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Be Gentle. It's FINISHED


New member
Be freaking gentle. Kay? I've never done anything like this before. This WOULD have been my Pay It Forward submission if I was even in the area to do it when the contest started. Ah well. It is what it is.

In my personal opinion, you did quite an excellent job of syncing the music with the video, and the transitions were done very well. Overall 9/10: would bang.
Although not a big fan of the song choice, I do enjoy how you lined up a lot of the scenes to go with the beat of the music. Makes it look very fluid. Also pulling videos from all over the Wildstar network is a plus to so it isn't just a rehashed version of a single video.
Thanks alot, homie. I actually linked alttabme to the youtube video in the description, I hope tr1age doesn't mind that.

Just make sure to link it not as "we made it" but oh btw this is the awesome community I am a part of or something along those lines.

I cannot comment on this video because I have really big issues with taking cinematics from developers and mashing them together to make them... cooler?

I understand restructuring a shitty trailer, but a good trailer, mixed with other trailers, mixed with gameplay, without the original sound effects and foley work, and just put to a music track really gets me going, and I will tell you the reason: I used to make these trailers, intros, videos. And when someone took all the work that we had done and mashed it into a montage of sorts, claiming it to be a recruitment trailer or something along those lines, we were like... uhm... so where does this represent your guild A, and B who shot all the footage, and C where is your guild?

That BEING SAID, I understand fully the amount of work that goes into cutting these together and I applaud you for making it to the end.

If I could give you constructive criticism it would be, add sound effects, SWOOSH libraries are video editor and sound editor's best friends and we can never have enough and when you start off with a theme, of words popping up, make sure the next video shown is a representation of that words descriptor, and when the music is constantly fast, be prepared to have fast cuts throughout, unless it has a drop in the beat or it is for a specific feeling you are trying to evoke, I.E. The backwards playing trailer for dead island to classical. The opposite music and scenario you would expect for Zombies and death. In this video it got lost at around 20 seconds in, where it should have said NEXUS in some capacity since the words were describing the visuals up to then and it was the first slow shot, but then there were random cuts to mobs, then "Action Combat" and it showed cut scenes vs gameplay with telegraphs, then 30 seconds and on got a bit lost with what I was watching because my brain had been programmed to look for text to explain what I was looking at.

and B who shot all the footage
I don't think its his fault he had to splice the stuff together, because... you know... closed beta... NDA... limited things for him to work with, though I do understand all your points. Just pointing out that Im sure if he could've shot his own footage, he would've.
I don't think its his fault he had to splice the stuff together, because... you know... closed beta... NDA... limited things for him to work with, though I do understand all your points. Just pointing out that Im sure if he could've shot his own footage, he would've.

Oh like I said, I am not getting on him specifically for this. I dislike it in general, all the time. Bothers me. And like I said it is because I was the guy busting ass making this stuff, and it becomes very personal, and to see it ripped up and put to evanescence makes any grown man cry.
I don't think its his fault he had to splice the stuff together, because... you know... closed beta... NDA... limited things for him to work with, though I do understand all your points. Just pointing out that Im sure if he could've shot his own footage, he would've.

Oh absolutely, I've got a bunch of ideas for videos and stuff, this was just a project I was doing to LEARN the software altogether. I don't even have access to the game, and I definitely don't want to post NDA breaking material. Though I understand where tr1age was coming from, he makes good points.

While I'm on that note, thanks for the constructive criticism, it's always welcome.
Oh absolutely, I've got a bunch of ideas for videos and stuff, this was just a project I was doing to LEARN the software altogether. I don't even have access to the game, and I definitely don't want to post NDA breaking material. Though I understand where tr1age was coming from, he makes good points.

While I'm on that note, thanks for the constructive criticism, it's always welcome.

Yeah I am sorry man, I am not trying to go at you at all in my post. If you want I can remove my post.
I like it. I see it as a fan made music video. If there is another pay it forward, I would totally suggest submitting it.
Since PIF is sent to Devs and Tr1age was putting a Dev point of view forward, it may not be the best choice for PIF. Unless you want to make them cry.

I enjoyed the video for the most part. The beginning was awesome, but the whole thing was a little long for me, so I started to get bored. I would have liked to see snippets of the Chua and Mordesh at the beginning with the rest of the racial intros. If you are gonna cut stuff up, you might as well mix and match the vids. It looked like this was cutting from one to another.

I could never put something like this together, especially with making it work with the music, so don't let anything I say take away formt eh mad props you deserve.

Final disappointment: I thought I was gonna hear your golden voice be all like "Coming this year to a planet far away from you: WILDSTAR!!" That would have been epic.
Since PIF is sent to Devs and Tr1age was putting a Dev point of view forward, it may not be the best choice for PIF. Unless you want to make them cry.

I enjoyed the video for the most part. The beginning was awesome, but the whole thing was a little long for me, so I started to get bored. I would have liked to see snippets of the Chua and Mordesh at the beginning with the rest of the racial intros. If you are gonna cut stuff up, you might as well mix and match the vids. It looked like this was cutting from one to another.

I could never put something like this together, especially with making it work with the music, so don't let anything I say take away formt eh mad props you deserve.

Final disappointment: I thought I was gonna hear your golden voice be all like "Coming this year to a planet far away from you: WILDSTAR!!" That would have been epic.

Great points. I'm still gonna post it up on the next PIF, just in case, it's not like they'll ban me for making a little montage out of their work. I wanted to add a little voice clip, but I feel like I'd be too full of myself for it. Haha.
I think the devs would like it. Its a re-imagining of their work in more of a music video format. What they have put out is like promo stuff. Anyway, there are people who won beta spots for much less work.

I did feel it was a bit long for me. I would also suggest that if you are up to it make a new one that has all the newest footage also in it when/if they do another PIF.
I was thinking of making it short, a minute tops. I wasn't going to include anything past the "What the- - " part. It's length was a personal challenge, really. I wanted to use as much as I could into it.
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