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Belief vs Doing


Staff member
Your beliefs should be there as a guideline to making the right moral compass choices not as good faith that everything will just fix itself. Not everyone was designed to do everything we want to do, being able to recognize when we cannot versus will not are very important. This is one of the main reasons I think so many people are happy to just settle for shitty regulations, poor decisions, and bad governance… one day they “believe” they will be on top of some metaphysical food chain and not have to worry about the dirt and grime they are helping to create instead of picking up a broom and sweeping. Self awareness and worldy awareness are very attractive qualities. Smashing a board on your head over and over is not.

I think a lot of things would be different if people operated on the assumption that this life matters. If people believed that suffering, evil, and death were not resolved in an after life, they might care a lot more about themselves and others.

HA! I laughed so hard at this! That is spectacular idiocracy.

Maybe next time he should:
A: test this before recording.
B: Take his hat off
C: Get his lines/mantra memorized.
D: Not be an idiot.
E: Failing all others, use a metal beam instead of a malleable, crack resistant piece of plywood
This is why education is important.
Loving it.

However on the original comment in China they strongly believe that any action in this life will reflect strongly on how your next life goes.
A common phrase when you see an ugly person is "What did you do wrong in your last life?"
Yet, even with those thoughts and beliefs firmly rooted in their every day system: "Your every day actions matter in this life and the next." compared to the more western "All is forgiven." they are just as terrible and selfish as we are here.

What really matters is education and experience.
Once people see what will happen and have been educated to the point beyond self-denial and self-exclusion in the chain of destruction they change their actions. Religion, Belief, nothing works save real education. Unfortunately most education systems are more about training people to continue the system instead of teaching them about all aspects.
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