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Boobs not Blood (NSFW)


Crazy German Guy
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So I´m coming from Germany and exposed boobs in a game wouldn´t even get you a mature rating, just a 16+. On the other hand, we are very picky when it comes to violence and swastikas. There is even a website called http://www.schnittberichte.com/ where you can check the differences between the censored German version and any other version.

I personally hate this, because this sometimes leads to "different" games, so that only people of the censored german version can play with people who also have a censored one. Or very recently there was a re-release of Sleeping Dogs, which I would love to play, but I am unable to play it in Germany (for more information, read this thread: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307690/discussions/0/616189742699114338/)

Bonus rant: We need a NSFW Tag
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