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I fucking hate that American civilization has evolved to the point where douchebags like Kanye and Chris Brown can not only get away with their shit, they thrive. Any success from their talent has been eclipsed by their shit show.

In fact once you get the spotlight for a second, it seems like any way to keep it on you is the best strategy. This doesn't just apply to celebrities, it goes for the common man too. In most cases the most obnoxious one gets their way. Yell louder, make a scene, and most people will bow down to make the embarrassment go away. Never-mind that they are not the ones who should feel embarrassed. In the US today perception is stronger than facts unless you have the ability to yell the facts louder than the person making a scene.

From news channels not doing their due diligence, to assholes trying to shift blame on others when they screw up, to dick-bags like these 5 minute celebrities trying to strech their 15 minutes, I am fed up. I cant stand it, and fight it or argue with these pieces of shit whenever I have the chance. I come out as the asshole, but that is fine with me. The people who understand the logic of my arguments are the only ones I care about when it comes to others opinions of me. They don't have to agree with my ideas, but at least we can have a conversation.

Anyway, fuck Kanye, fuck Chris Brown, and fuck you if you are a douche bag too.
and not 5 minutes after I post this I find this video of douchebags who think they can drive on the sidewalk in russia. Thank god these guys were there to give them some consequences to their actions.

I'm not keen on the slavery image/text, but I agree with your body text. A few more douchbags:

Darren Wilson

Lt. John Pike, who then sued for $38k in emotional damages.
Wait are you implying Darren Wilson is a doublebag? Yep...removing myself from this thread before I go full retard.

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It's the rant section! The chains are off. Don't worry, my feeling won't get hurt, but post some douchebags, too.
Wait are you implying Darren Wilson is a doublebag? Yep...removing myself from this thread before I go full retard.

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This implies you were a part of it :) you can argue points in the rants section of just can't get personal. Keep it factual, personal opinionated, and lively. Just don't call anyone a douchbag hehe.
I had wrote a bunch of stuff, but the more I think about it the less any of it serves.

Instead I'll just say that people are ssshit stupid dumb and social media only feeds their weakness. We need separation of Church and State, and in the same way we need separation of Journalism and (anti)Social Media.

With that, I'm stepping out too before I get my "face" stuffed so far up my "book" that I'm smelling last nights dinner after processing...
I accidentally hit quote instead of edit....

How do I delete?

(this is exactly why no one should ever post under the influence of (anti)Social Media)
and not 5 minutes after I post this I find this video of douchebags who think they can drive on the sidewalk in russia. Thank god these guys were there to give them some consequences to their actions.

This is exactly it, these people who are such douchebags they cant even begin to comprehend what makes them dicks. This obliviousness to everyone around you because they arnt me or some i know so why should i care, or go slightly outta my way to make their lives easier. Too much Me Me Me in society these days, it drives me up the wall and they are only the surface of the douchebag iceberg. As said above politicians,news,celebrities,sport stars,police,anyone with a slight amount of power that they then believe justifies them being dicks, Bob from down the god damn street are all competing for The Biggest Douche in the Universe.

Of cause im not saying everyone one of those people are dicks, but my god there are a lot of them.
ZAKIS i wish i could give you a million LIKES!

What was the wording, i'm paraphrasing here "Burn this motherfucker down, burn this bitch down"
ZAKIS i wish i could give you a million LIKES!

What was the wording, i'm paraphrasing here "Burn this motherfucker down, burn this bitch down"

Something like that, not sure. Still don't understand why they didnt jail that asshole for inciting a riot. Guess it would have made things even worse.
Oh man I could go on for days with this lol.
Looks like a bit of a pattern there...

Yeah sure some people got too emotional and their only way of expressing it was through hate and violence, that is never something to condone. But using that as a reason to completely dismiss what happened on that day is stupid.. But no matter what you say or however way you try to discredit it (i.e Michael Brown) the death of Eric Garner was straight murder. Sure I can understand (not agree) with the jury not sentencing the police officer in the Michael Brown shooting as there were mixed eyewitness accounts and no one had an absolute clear idea what exactly happened on that day. But Eric Garner was taped, we can see exactly what went down there, the coroner ruled it homicide and still the Grand Jury lets him go without a single charge?.

I can also go on for days.
How could it not?

On a less celebratory note... When I worked retail, I always hated those people who would bitch and moan until they got their way, and we would break M&Ps/SOPs to accommodate them. This while the people who took ownership of their mistakes had to run through the usual rigamarole and paid whatever penalty fees were due. When I started handling the escalations, I made it a point to only favors for those who accepted responsibility. There's no reason why the good people should not get a break.

When I used to smoke, I'd exit through the back and takes my breaks in the parking lot. I once heard a parent coaching their child on how to invent issues so that they could get their way. I understand that dealing with retail employees who hate their job can be a pain in the ass, but making a scene just for the sake of making a scene is... douchebaggery.
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