Recent content by Beerf

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    Grannies watching the Miley Cyrus twerking video.

    Yay old people!
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    MLP Convention

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    Companion Cubes of Death

    What is a Companion Cube of Death? Trib and I created this delicious and deadly invention after her brother and his friend were soaking alcohol with gummy bears. We naturally (what else were we to do? someone had to lead the 12 year olds to their destruction) decided to take it even...
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    Belial's Application

    Name Barry Age (must be 18+) 27 Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who? Not yet ..but soon I will have them all! Main Character Belial Character Name Belial (could be a possible name change thanks to Blizzard putting Belial into D3) Race Charr Profession(Class) Ranger...
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