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  1. R

    Greetings from sunny Florida

    Hi I'm Tony, I'm 35 and live in Pensacola FL. I am a Software Engineer working with Computerized Radiography for Non Destructive Testing. I basically do photoshop for Xrays. Anyways looking forward to getting to know everyone. I'm usually on Mumble. I've already had the pleasure of...
  2. R

    Rhidic's Application - Pending Community Vote

    Name Tony Age (must be 18+) 35 Where are you from? (timezone) Central Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who? Typhor, Exittus Character Name(s) Rhidic What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community? Wildstar Class/Race(if applicable) Granok What role do you wish...
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