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    GW2 sPVP Node defender build;TkAA1Cmouxcj4G7Nubk3MoA So much condi removal and regeneration!!!! Used something like this build during this past stress test.... so much sustain! Better have your roamer come to help you finish off someone though.
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    GW2 Scepter/Dagger PVP Build;TsAA1CnoqxUjoGbNuak1Mo4QxkAA posting here so i don't forget it come launch :P
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    GW2 Team Synergy "Science of PVP" Guide

    Not bad, btw guardians are OP. Which is why they run 2 :P
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    GW2 PVE Fire Elly (Just some theorycrafting);T8AgyyqEUJpSVliKqvMfJ y l7L5XDCOUMpA Thought Process behind build: Have a build that puts out tons of dmg is my number 1 priority. This build focuses on Power and criticals without speccing into air, the reason I did not spec...
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    GW2 Top 5 PVP mistakes MMO developers make

    I swear arena net must have talked about all his points as to not make the same mistakes.
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    Someone Help Me!!!

    I am about to die of boredom... for the past 2 48s Ive had off, I have sat inside not doing anything (no gaming, nor anything productive). I need some gaming stimulation!!! If anyone wants to play DC Universe Online, Allods, or some other mmo that's free. Let me know, just need something to...
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    GW2 Guardian Node control build

    Let me know what you think!
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    GW2 Mesmer sPVP video (Team Paradigm)

    pretty good video, wish I knew more about what all the skills do...
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    GW2 My BWE3 Warrior Build

    Had a couple people ask me what build I was running, so here it is. This builder is a little out of date so some of the traits are on diff tiers but everything is there. With this build I had 6 sigils of...
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    martialblack's Application

    Name Josh Age (must be 18+) 24 Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who? Nope :( Main Character Asura Warrior, love little people with big weapons!!! Character Name Race Asura Profession(Class) Warrior What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE...
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