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    GW2 Site that shows all exotic armor for each race.
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    GW2 WvW guild tower captures.

    Does anyone know what you need to get your guild name on a captured point in wvw? I have read several different things online and they are all conflicting answers. We do have a guild banner template and its made. When we try to claim something we get "you dont have permission". We are a...
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    GW2 mesmer speed boost

    Does mesmer have an activatable speed boost like other classes? I know we have the signet with the passive of random boons that gives speed but thats only in combat it seems.
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    GW2 check out this gw2 mural

    Saw this on gw2 face book page. Some one made a very cool mural.
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    GW2 Lions Arch vendors

    There is a line of vendors in Lions Arch that all sell like weapons and armor. Each vendor uses a different kind of token it seems for currency. Anyone know what these guys are, where the tokens come from? Thanks in advance.
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    GW2 Mystic Forge

    I had read online that they mystic forge can be used to turn thing like copper into the iron. Anyone know if thats true? If it is, anyone know what other 3 items you have to add with the copper?
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    GW2 Guild research

    Anyone know, are the guild research options broken currently? I tried to queue something up for my guild last night and it didnt work. Also can any officer queue up research or just the guild leader?
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    GW2 warrior question

    Does power relate to more damage, or is that more of a caster skill? Additionally, I am running mostly precision right now for the critical damage bonus. If power = more damage, would I be better off half precision and half power? Thanks in advance.
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    GW2 Sylvari question

    I played a Sylvari for the 1st time during last nights stress test. This maybe a stupid question, but are there beard options for them? I didnt see one, was looking to have a leaf beard lol.
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    GW2 Headstart time

    I know they said the headstart time is 3am EST. Additionally they said they may bring the servers up as early as 3 hours prior. Is that for character creation only or full blow ready to play, anyone know? Thanks in advance.
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