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New member
Hello everyone. I have been looking over your site the past few days after a friend (Fen), threw me a link to check it out. I have yet to apply to the guild, but hopefully after we get to know each other a little I can go ahead and get that taken care off.

A little about me personally:

My name is Michael. I'm happily married and I have a 3 year old daughter named Alexis and a massive chocolate lab named Chester.

As far as games go I have pretty much played everything there is to play. From Guild Wars 1 to Path of Exile, I've been there and done that. I have raid lead/raided hardcore in WoW, played TERA and its non-existent end game content, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, Planetside 2 and many many more.

Currently I'm leveling in Rift casually after getting everything for free through Raptr. I'm looking for some like-minded individuals that will be ready for Wildstar when it releases. I haven't been this excited for a game since.....well never!

I look foward to getting to know everyone and what will hopefully be an amazing group of people to game with.
Nice to meet you, Ailo.
A bunch of us just started playing Rift ourselves through the Raptr app. We're on the PvP server Seastone, should hit us up if that's where you are.[DOUBLEPOST=1370647887,1370647758][/DOUBLEPOST]Forgot to put my name. You can catch me on Buhlyle. Gyoin is Gyoin and Tr1age is Triagex. I know Gyoin and Simpwn can currently invite people to the little guild we started there.
Hey Ailo! You've definitely found the right place! Belial's right, we're all playing Rift through the raptr thingy. I got my full account earlier today. Sitting at roughly level 14, but gotta take a break. Running from rift to rift to rift feels like GW2 WvW. Fun, but burns you out lol
Nice to meet you guys! I rolled on a PvE server, level 45 mage atm. I might create a toon over there so I can get to know some of you in game. I have surprisingly enjoyed the Rift pvp and I'm usually not a huge pvp person. It's refreshing when you've been running rifts and questing for a while.
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