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Wildstar Alt Tab Me & Warhound


New member
I put up a couple posts concerning the continuation of our guild on Warhound.
Hopefully they get some activity and if nothing else the few players who stayed will work together more.


Official Forums

I don't think we'll be raiding again on Warhound unless people start to come back from Entity, but until then I'll have all the fun I can have.

We can use this thread as a starting point for Warhound Server issues and discussions about what to do, what's needed, and how to make the best of life in low-pop land.
Any thoughts & suggestions are welcome!
I've seen more action after the transfer than the past couple months. (in my time zone)
Had some partners for dailies, world PvP, and general chat conversations.

Maybe people moving out helped wake up everyone left.

However we couldn't get lightspire past worms. Damn things wont die even at 0% unless you have enough people bombing at the same time I guess...
Hopefully just a glitch that one time, but the raid fell apart after.

All in all, better than expected.
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