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WildStar AltTabMe.com's Wildstar Podcast - "Game Mechanics"


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Welcome the our Wildstar Podcast brought to you by
"The Community that Outlasts Release Dates"

We are here to bring you as much information about the upcoming MMO Wildstar as well as things we are excited to get our hands on... but there is a catch. We will be doing each episode in 30 minutes or less! Anything we don't cover or you want us to cover more of, or even topics you may want to suggest we cover in future podcasts, you can head on over to AltTabMe and post on our community boards to discuss with us and our members! You can also post on previous podcasts as well. And with that, today's topic we are talking about will be "Game Mechanics" and the clock starts NOW!

Show Notes:
1:12 clock starts
1:26 combat mechanics
1:35 action combat vs stand and shoot combat
5:10 combat better be intuitive to work well
6:05 using tab targeting
8:30 age of conan action combat discussion
11:10 back to wildsar: healing in combat
12:00 combos and finishers
13:10 attack rotations
15:20 no auto attack
16:10 healing: telegraph vs direct heals
17:21 path mechanics working with combat
19:12 will path choice be mandatory because of perks?
21:48 plug and socket mechanic in the world
22:45 plug and socket + paths = better open world pvp?
26:45 global vs non global auction house
28:35 loot itemization: random stats and loot distribution
31:12 TIMES UP and we got more to say, come discuss at AltTabMe.com

Disclaimer: This show may contain material that may not be suitable for all ages, viewer discretion is advised.
Stats is an interesting topic for sure.. I think the randomness could add some "replayability" if it's done right (as Bruce mentioned with 2 static, 2 random, + socket system... could work). But, yea, I can understand the looting issue. I remember back in Vanilla wow there were some items that caused issues for traditional classes vs hybrid and we could run into that here. Although my main was once a Hunter, so all the loot belonged to me anyway.. ahaha (..jk)

..I'm interested to see how the random stats plays out in beta (if I ever see it)
Stats is an interesting topic for sure.. I think the randomness could add some "replayability" if it's done right (as Bruce mentioned with 2 static, 2 random, + socket system... could work). But, yea, I can understand the looting issue. I remember back in Vanilla wow there were some items that caused issues for traditional classes vs hybrid and we could run into that here. Although my main was once a Hunter, so all the loot belonged to me anyway.. ahaha (..jk)

..I'm interested to see how the random stats plays out in beta (if I ever see it)

I remember seeing a Hunter wearing cloth gloves once LOL
I had a DK wearing spell power armor. It was all high end raid stuff that would have been sharded anyways so I paid a shard for it. People cried so loud.
I think you better give Bruce a solo podcast on occasion. He's going to burst from not getting all of his points out there.
I think you better give Bruce a solo podcast on occasion. He's going to burst from not getting all of his points out there.
I learned this a while ago. If I don't have someone feeding me topics, I blank on topics to talk about. More or less, if Tristan weren't around I would just be blabbering idiot (even more so than I am now).
what I meant was Tristan and Bruce, with Tristan keeping you going and throwing in color commentary at times. Kinda like my econ ones. Oh and me and you need to get on with Tristan for the econ ones when we get enough info to. You can do the high risk high reward strategies, and I'll do the slow and steady wins the race strategies.
I learned this a while ago. If I don't have someone feeding me topics, I blank on topics to talk about. More or less, if Tristan weren't around I would just be blabbering idiot (even more so than I am now).

So you couldn't pull off a Fox style solo vlog?
They are short though so if you could keep them to 10 minutes I am sure you could stay on track that long, no?

I have trouble doing casts on my own as well. Talking to yourself and at a camera is sooo much harder than having a conversation.
I don't know how I feel about randomization of stats. D3 burned me hard on that. SOOO frustrating to find good gear in that game.
I don't know how I feel about randomization of stats. D3 burned me hard on that. SOOO frustrating to find good gear in that game.
I don't think it will be that bad in WS, because you only have to worry about 2 stats. The rest you can socket. I do hate random stats though, and hope it is toned way down for crafting.
I don't think it will be that bad in WS, because you only have to worry about 2 stats. The rest you can socket. I do hate random stats though, and hope it is toned way down for crafting.
In all logical means, since there is a randomization in raid drops, I can't see why they wouldn't do randomization for high end crafting as well. It takes out more materials from the market as well as makes high end crafting more relevant and needed.
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