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Wildstar AltTabMe Housing Contest Winners! Congratulations!


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler

First off, let me say thank you to all of the participants! Congratulations to the winners, and for those who didn't quite make the cut, make sure to check back often for contests after launch! I still have some spare Rowsdowers to give away, as well as some other Wildstar Loot (T-shirts, bags, and maybe even CREDD down the line!)

Community Vote Winner - Aisina!

With your overwhelming tally of 55 votes from your loyal guild mates, you have indeed won our "popularity contest"! And might I add, was definitely the crowd favorite of many people who have been talking about this contest! Great job! Please share with us your creations after launch, we're all VERY excited to see what you create next!

Officer Choice Winner - Ticonz!

As one of our earlier submissions, you quickly gained the Officers attention with the playfulness of your screenshots, truly representing the enjoyment of your house. I mean really, who can resist a fluffy Chua in a room full of pillows?! I mean... /coughdirtydominionchuacough. Congratulations!

Gyoin's Choice Winner - Valdrek!

I must say, at first glance I didn't think much of this house. That is until I started to really dive deep into housing myself! The intricacies of all of the rustic details in this housing plot really blew me away. I spent some time in the open beta trying to recreate some pieces of each of these housing submissions to try to grasp how much effort was put into their houses, and I must say the care you put into your house really took it away!

I will send each of you a PM personally for shipping details so that you each can get your fluffy Rowsdowers shipped as soon as possible! Again, thank you for all those who entered, and be sure to check back often!

- Gyoin

PS: Obligatory Rowsdower - /rowsdowser
Congrats everyone and a special awesome thank you to Gyoin for hosting such an awesome event with his hard earned tax dollars!
All winners have also been notified via PM! Please respond as quickly as possible so I can send these out sooner rather than later, I want you all to have these before launch!

If I don't hear back from you by May 27th, 11:59 PM EST, I will be be voiding your winning entry and will use the Rowsdower for our next competition, so please don't slack!
Hi guys C:

Thanks for all that voted, I'm super happy!
My rowsdower is going to be our guild mascott & good luck charm for raiding ~ its really brought me closer to my guild mates, great experience!

I've said I will come back and share when I start building at launch, I will be powerlevelling to 50 straight off though so it won't be straight away!
In the meantime I'm going to be writing quite a few things about decorating Aurin properties, (ie: where to get certain items!) so let me know if you're interested in seeing that.

Love Aisi xx
Hi guys C:

Thanks for all that voted, I'm super happy!
My rowsdower is going to be our guild mascott & good luck charm for raiding ~ its really brought me closer to my guild mates, great experience!

I've said I will come back and share when I start building at launch, I will be powerlevelling to 50 straight off though so it won't be straight away!
In the meantime I'm going to be writing quite a few things about decorating Aurin properties, (ie: where to get certain items!) so let me know if you're interested in seeing that.

Love Aisi xx

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Uncreative types like me could use some inspiration.
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