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Amir Kardas's Application

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Amir Kardas

New member
Amir Kardas but just call me kardas

Age (must be 18+)
im 21 years old

Where are you from? (timezone)
I live in malaysia right now

Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
Not yet

Character Name(s)
Razial of babil

What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community?
GW2 And Wildstar

Class/Profession(if applicable)
Guardian and ranger

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
PvP, PVE, Casual/social i like to play every part of the game not just one part.. and i dont like to go solo

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
WoW 2 Years
GW2 since it came out
Tera 1 month
Age of conan 3 months
Aion 8 Months
SWTOR 1 Month
Played many other MMO's i like to try all the new games but i dont play them much just try them out for few days

Online games
Dota 5 years
Heroes of Newerth 2 years
Call of duty Black ops Since it came out

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
I was in many guilds in diffrent games but none of them was a real guild and community it was just normal small guilds only in guild wars i joined The Bager Spirits (BS) and i left a while ago

How did you hear about the AltTabMe?
From the net

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I dont really like to chat on the forums a lot ill be playing more and i dont mind helping anyone i can ill be helping in the game mostly

How much time do you spend a week on games?
Umm about 20-24 Hours a week

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
Well not much but really looking forward to join you guys on both GW2 and Wildstar really wanna try the game ive been waiting for a game like this for a longtime and thanks for giving me the chance to join you guys here and in the game..

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I understand I must be active on the forums to stay on the roster, and I have a minimum of 1-2 posts(other than this application), and I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)
Sounds good to me, although your introduce me post was kinda sparse :p You should know though we just pulled out of GW2 so we have no official presence there anymore.
well i was searching for a guild on the net for guild wars 2 and at the same time i really wanted to play wildstar so when i came across ur website from GW2 guilds website and i really liked it
and yea i just knew that u guys left GW2 recently and im ok with that im looking forward to start playing wildstar with u guys
I am a little hesitant in your app. I would like to see you participating more around here. Since we have time before launch to get to know you.

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im sry but i wont be around much i told u that im not a forums person this is my first time joining something like this ill be around more inside the game i dont like to keep posting stuff on the forums i come here to see whats new and whats happening with the guild... this thing is really taking a long time its been days since i applied if ur not going to accept me plz just tell me i really hope i can join u guys but if i need to login to the forums everyday and post and write stuff then this is not my thing as i said ill be inside the game a lot whatever u need ill be there but not much around here i login here everyday but i just look around i hope u guys understand what i mean
The thing is, we're a community, first and foremost - it's not the games that bring us together, it's the people who play them. We're not asking our applicants and members to log into the forums each and every day and post content, but we do want to see you make an effort socializing with us. If you're saying that you're solely interested in playing Wildstar in a guild, but have little interest in getting to know the community here at AltTabMe, then we might not be the best fit for you.
All i mean is that im new to the forums this is my first time applying for a guild on the forums i want to be part of the community but what i ment is that ill get to know u guys in the game more then here its really hard for me to get to know ppl on the forums
Well to be honest i dont like forums i mean i like to read whats in the forums but i never post anything or write anything i just dont like to write something and then wait for an hour or something for a reply
and sometimes i get lost in the forums and all the comments and everything its not my thing you know what i mean?
same thing goes with Facebook i like to log in see whats happening but i never write status never comment i dont like to upload picz and stories im not that type of a person
Well I hate to say this Amir but if you Re-Read the Play with the Community you will see our requirements go directly against your statements above..


1. If you are not active on the forums and the games we play you will be removed from the roster, you may still continue to enjoy AltTabMe, but this application is not for lurkers.

Reason being and also listed on that page:
Understand we are a community first and foremost. The fact that some of us get together to game is an added benefit. So please make sure you have the time to invest and the interest in AltTabMe before looking to play with us.

So I am sorry but I do not think this is a good fit for you. Plus the game is months out, and the urgency you have to join isn't warranted if you don't plan on participating in the community before the game launches.

I am sorry but this app is denied.
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