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Andrew Snyder's Application

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Andrew Snyder

New member

Age (must be 18+)

Where are you from? (timezone)
Currently HST(Hawaii) but come March I will be in EST.

Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
Thief(IRL) who just got accepted.

Character Name(s)
Wulfsige, Wulfie, Liekos

What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community?
Wildstar, GW2, Borderlands 2, Minecraft

Class/Race(if applicable)
Warrior - Granok

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
PvE and storyline are my main concern in any game. I like PvP too but it has always been secondary to what I am looking for.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
City of Heroes - 1 year, level 50 Scrapper. First MMO I really got into.
WoW:BC - played for 2 years with a major raiding guild during Burning Crusade. Had multiple level 70 characters.

Those are the only two I really stuck with but I have played a multitude of others, Rift, GW2, FFXI, LoTRO, DDO, etc.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
I had one major guild I was with for my 2 years as a raider/guild officer. It was a decent sized guild on the server Echo Isles, named Invalid Target. I started off Range DPS as a hunter but soon had a Shaman healer and Warrior tank at top level. I found the tank to be the most enjoyable to play.

How did you hear about the AltTabMe?
Thief saw the recruitment post on the Wildstar Forums, checked it out and seems like a legit group of friends who enjoy gaming together.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
Always up for a challenge and usually willing to help those who need it. I can be a random sort of funny. Never really preferred TS/Vent in video games but rather was fast at typing, however I did order a new headset and plan on being active on the mumble server soon enough.

How much time do you spend a week on games?
20 hours a week would be the average. It will probably increase once I leave the Military.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
Look forward to playing with you all soon enough. I am very level headed individual who doesn't take offense to much and is brutally honest.

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I understand I must be active on the forums to stay on the roster, and I have a minimum of 1-2 posts(other than this application), and I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)
I hate to do this, because I see you active, but this application is just bad. Sorry we cannot accept it. Please re-apply with a little more effort. I suggest looking at the pinned applications as the examples of "good applications".
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