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Astrid's Application

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New member

Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?

Main Character
either Norn Elementalist or Human Mesmer ( BW3 will fix final decision)

Character Name
Astrid for the Norn, Carnival for the Mesmer

Norn or Human

Elementalist or Mesmer

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
PvE, Casual and Social.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
WOW, first and only MMO ...since BC.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
Not in Guild Wars, but in WOW. I never played the first Guild Wars. The experience wasn't that great until I found a good one...ie, one that lasted beyond a month and with active members. I started in BC, so there was alot of flux. Once I found my guild tho I really enjoyed it, especially achievements we did as a guild such as running HoO until we went blind to get server first guild to reach level 25. Transmog contests, fishing contests, etc.

How did you hear about the Guild?
1st podcast found on GW2Guru

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I can really relate to Bruce/Gyoin ( except for the pig) ... my strong suits are crafting and quests. I'm alittle obsessive with the crafting...I had all the crafts/professions in WoW maxxed out and will do the same in GW2. I have a strong RP background (DnD, The Masquerade, etc). So I tend to lean towards that in my toons, at least enough to give them personalities and stories. I've already got the Mesmers story plotted out. Working on the Norn now. It makes for a strong bond with my chosen toon and gives my MMO world meaning.

I enjoy helping Guildies...it's one of the reasons Im excited about GW2. Let's face it, WoW doesn't exactly foster a helpful conducive envoirnment between people/toons.

In all honesty, I'll be learning my toon from ground zero without even having the basis of the original GW to draw from. I'll hardly be UBER woman starting out...but what I CAN bring is a social fun atmosphere...I can laugh with you about flubs and flaws...exalt with you over triumphs and generally, I hope, make Tyria a more lively and livable world thru sharing it with you!

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
Probably, I don't know anybody in the game at this point in time as my WoW guild isn't making the leap.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
Whether chosen for guild or not, I look forward to meeting you all in game!
I like this app, we need more people who enjoy RP and have that background. I love people who make stories out of their characters =)
Plus we can never have enough crafters!
Your in a group with a guildmate fighting a elite boss mob and things are not going well. If given the choice to perform one action which would you do:
1. cast a heal or remove boons to save the guildmate from certain death
2. strike a possible killing blow and rez your guildie if you survive
3. run away saving your self, yelling "Sucker!" on mumble and take a hit from your adult beverage.

4. Not post on other applicants applications.
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