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Wildstar Atlas Staging Area (Custom Skyscraper) [Wildstar]


New member
Hello! I am a housing addict & Expert Architect (level 34, sidetracked!). I have been putting quite a lot of time into my property and would love to get some tips or suggestions for what I can change or add / fix. My in-game character is Randomscrb and I am on the Warbringer server Dominion side. My property is public, but anyone is welcome to add me as a neighbor!

If you see something you like there is a pretty good chance I made it, and can make it for you for very few materials. Just get in touch. Looking forward to any suggestions you guys have!

I will edit this when I get a chance with some screenshots of the property!
I think 98% of us are on the exiles side on Pergo.. Not even sure if we could neighbor with you and check it out, but videos/pictures would help.
ya i would love to check it out but we are all on the exile side except a few alts who were made when pergo had crazy que times.
Hoping this guy replies because otherwise this is some weird ass way to self promote spam and imma have to remove the thread. I'll give him a day or two.
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