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Wildstar Attunement Help


New member
Hey All,

New to the guild but came over with Spicy and the crew. This is my first post (not an avid forumer but have some time at work :)) so I figured I would extend my willingness to help anyone that is stuck or needing a body for the attunement process. Along with Spicy and a few others that are coming over from BSW, I am through the attunement process and know all of the fights.

I believe Spicy can vouch, but I have pretty high DPS (engineer) and pretty knowledgeable when it comes to the class. I would be more than happy to discuss rotations, builds, LAS scenarios, runes, theory, with any of the other engi's out there who may have questions. I am also putting together a theorycrafted spreadsheet to help with BiS and stat caps that I am hopeful to have done here shortly.

Last, I am putting my Twitch link (not a promotion because I don't really care about the need for additional viewers), but my intention is to use it as a tool for people looking for smooth runs and/or advice with dungeons, especially SSM. I will also be posting kill vids and strategies along the way.

I am looking forward to working with you all in the future and good luck with the attunement process! :D


One thing that might be handy is, what dungeons have you silvered already and willing to help with?
Lancers is 100% completely attuned if memory serves. What a boss.
I, along with Spicy, Smartypantsu, Malpractice, and Anesthesia have silvered all the dungeons. With the exception of SSM, we have repeated silver runs pretty regularly.

We have the SSM path, boss mechanics, and optionals down, we are still having a bit of a gear check. Although if we are able to coordinate well enough, we could probably beat the 75 minute timer by about 5-10 minutes with the comp we silvered with.
I will indeed be taking you up on this offer as often as I can, assuming you are on as late as me.
Well slap me and call me Shirley. Kudos to all the 100%'ers.

WTB SSM carry, kthx :)

But in all seriousness, I would love to get into a group that can just teach me first hand the tanking mechanics of the bosses and the general "efficient" path for SSM. I can take it from there and teach my regular crew.
Also piggy backing here with the same offer! Would love to help anyone with their attunements from start to finish. I'm usually on real late for any of you nightowls!
Clammy here -- If you see me in mumble (Amares) and need a dps for anything just hop in and holler at me. Spellslinger DPS sitting at world boss attunement waiting for more people!
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