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Wildstar Becoming a social hub

What would make you want to visit someone's house?

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Greetings and salutations! I wanted to bring up a topic that I've been muddling over these past few weeks. It seems like quite a few people would like to turn their in-game housing into a social hub. This brought up a good question in my mind. if you were not that individual, what would you like them to have in order to draw you in? Not a lot has been announced about the housing yet, so we might have to use our imaginations a bit :).

Are you the type that is drawn in by having things to gather?
Do you enjoy random events like wall mazes?
Would you be more interested in someone who had all the amenities as a capital city but a lot closer? (Crafting tables, mailboxes, auctioneer)
Or would you like it more if it was duel central?

I'm sure a lot of people will be drawn in to lots of different things and it'll be impossible to please everyone. If there is something else that would draw you in more (a rowsdower farm?) feel free to get creative. :)
The crafting stations would draw me most likely, especially if it was convenient to get to from the field so I don't have to fight the crowds in a city. Also, a really big trampoline would be nice.
I really hope that Carbine introduces some type of movement paths for housing... I can totally see a spinning array of spotlights being all fancy. If not, having a "DJ" doing the editing while the party is going on might be the next best thing.
Lol a virtual party?! Not sure how I feel about that...drinking alone in a club...but online...with people...WHO DO I TAKE HOME?!?!
I want my house to be like... stormy and rainy weather all the time with tornadoes and stuff everywhere. Carbine plz.

Oh... and totally have the song of storms from ocarina of time playing outside... do-do do, do-do do, OMG a chicken! Do do do-dodo, do do do-dodo.
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