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GW2 Brand new Launcher


New member
New launcher! A few notes.
First of all, a screenshot:

Also, I think we can assume we're going to now have the ability to switch characters without logging out, since we will be locked into our account once we're in the game application.
Also of note: This is a HUGE update. It looks to be AT LEAST 2GB.
They are certainly getting ready for BWE3 and release. This looks slick.
Hopefully this means they implemented a "Character Selection" screen that you can get into without logging out completely from the game. That's how I'm looking at this at the moment.
Hopefully this means they implemented a "Character Selection" screen that you can get into without logging out completely from the game. That's how I'm looking at this at the moment.
Exactly. That's what I was saying. Since you log in before you launch the main game application, within the game, you're locked into the account. They can't have us closing the entire game. Therefore we can switch to alts without logging out and back in.
Ha, yeah, I actually didn't read your post. Quick forum hopping before date night so I spent little time actually reading anything.
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