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Can it get any more beautiful than this?


Staff member
This is a fan video mashup of the in-game world of Guild Wars… can it get any more beautiful than this?

The human town with the confetti is the image that first got me interested in this game. Just Wow…
It is beautiful, and awe inspiring. Seriously, when I look at the detail and creativity that goes in to the games that we play, not just GW2, and the hours upon hours, years upon years, that it takes to go from conceptualization to materialization... it's just... WOW. All of the code, all of the graphics, all of the imagination... to have something like this that we can explore, enjoy and escape to. Well I am just geeking out on it. I think 8-bit is still incredible. Hell, even pong. And not talking beer pong ;).
When I sit and truly think about how amazing computers are, the internet, technology... and how we can take it for granted. Just push a button and BOOM, a whole new world at your fingertips. It is something I truly feel lucky to experience.
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