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Wildstar Class Info - Warrior


Praise the Sun!
The first of the 6 class drops have been made available. First up is the Warrior. I've done my best to include all the information from the post, but the way it is presented on the actual site is much better. Check it out there but discuss it here!

Source: http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/the-game/classes/warrior.php


For ages, warriors throughout the galaxy would slice and dice their enemies with swords, only inevitably to find themselves confronted with something uncuttable. But then someone came up with the crazy idea of hooking a blade up to a fusion accelerator. The result? A marriage made in slaughterhouse heaven. Today's power swords come equipped with ten megatons of liquid awesome hurtage. In. Your. Fist.


Think last year's Thermo-Nuclear Battle Gauntlet was the last word in extremity extreme? Well, stop thinking and listen, because this year we're talking the XL45 Hell Mitten: a supercharged deathgrip that'll have your enemies singing soprano for the rest of their three-second lives. This bad boy comes stocked with something for everyone to die from: a high-velocity ripsaw, 40M retractable battle harpoon, instant-activation riot shield, personal defense plasma barrier, and high-explosive destructo-missiles. Oh...and GPS. This ain't your gam-gam's battle gauntlet!


Enough with the techno-yadda-yadda, egghead...Tactics are for wimps. In the end war's all about two good old-fashioned pastimes: ass-kickin' and face-stompin'. Which one you do with the back of your hand and which comes courtesy of your size 30 boot is up to you, ace.





The warrior's class-based resource is kinetic energy, which he generates by executing most of his normal attacks and which gradually decays while he is both in and out of combat. However, many of the most powerful attacks in his arsenal are only possible by expending massive amounts of stored energy all at once.

Warrior special assault abilities include:
  • warrior-roles-assault-power-strike.jpg
    Power Strike
  • warrior-roles-assault-whirlwind.jpg
Those building more on the support/tank side get CC abilities such as:
  • warrior-roles-tank-plasma-wall.jpg
    Plasma Wall
  • warrior-roles-tank-cannon-volley.jpg
    Cannon Volley

Warriors: the most ancient fraternity in the universe. Paragons of foolhardiness. Defenders of the swordless. Though the names of a very few are immortalized, the deeds and even existence of most will never be known. And while none would dare impugn their courage, their intelligence is another matter entirely.

For millenia, those who followed the way of the blade saw no need for weaponry of greater complexity than swords. While reforms spearheaded by Bellitorus the Organ Grinder such as a Warriors School had fizzled out because the invitees were "sorta busy fighting," his innovation of a sword powered by nuclear energy was eventually accepted by many as a satisfyingly gory improvement.

Despite this, his second proposal, an arm-cannon, would only catch on after die-hard sword purists repeatedly found themselves mown down by the millions from laser artillery. Yet so great was the warriors' attachment to their archaic weapon that when Bellitorus' illegitimate descendant Vagnathrox the Spleen Gargler suggested other, more powerful, longer-range projectile devices, his disgusted peers beheaded him on the spot.

Nevertheless, in 1414, Vagnathrox belatedly received recognition for good intentions in the form of a statue of his decapitated body, which to this day enjoys the occasional visitor behind the restrooms of the Neglected Military Near-Heroes Museum on the nameless 18th moon of Perambuthorus VII-b.



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Just how bad-ass is the warrior class in WildStar?
On a scale of 1 to 10: 15.

Why does the warrior have a sword in a sci-fi space game?
That's not just an ordinary sword, kiddo, it's a nuclear-powered Greatsword. Whatever your circumstances, there are few problems that can't be solved by slicing them to irradiated ribbons.

How does a melee player hold his own in a game like WildStar that has so much AOE?
While they have to master perhaps the most complex relationships between resource management and split-second timing, and evasive-offensive combos, melee characters not only hold their own against AOE, they're the ANSWER to AOE. Their ability to wear heavy armor and access to powerful defensive abilities makes them virtually invulnerable and the more foes they take on simultaneously, the more powerful they get. They like nothing more than being in the heat of the action and there is nothing quite so satisfying or devastating as leaping into a solid wave of enemies to unleash a Whirlwind and annihilating their ranks like a spinning cyclone of testosterone.


Do I have to play my warrior as a tank? Or as a DPS dealer?
Depending on how you choose to configure your Action Set, the warrior can be played as a straight-up tank, DPS, or a hybrid fine-tuned to the infinitesimal. Whatever floats your boat.

Are warriors relevant in PvP?
Warriors are the heart and soul of PvP, as they can take as well as they can dish out. Every enemy has to choose between focusing on the warrior while his buddies jump you or leaving him be and suffering the consequences as he wreaks havoc and starts racking up kills.

What kinds of crowd control abilities does the warrior have?
The warrior's specialty is locking people down trying to flee his magnificent feats of ferocity. People trying to escape a warrior's clutches have to contend with his/her vast array of snares, tethers, knockdowns, and other annoyances. You don't run away until the warrior says you can go.
Wow some pretty sweet info. Will definitely have to pull this up later at the house and sift through it.

I never rolled a Warrior in any MMO but i may have to roll one here with the way this guy sounds. But i will probably still have my main as an Esper or one of the other distant/support roles

(yeah the site is more appealing to the eye but for just information this is still good)
Some other information to note from today's class drop.

Source: http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/news/reintroducing_the_warrior.php

By Team WildStar - November 06, 2013

Is your body ready for the first of many WildStar Class Drops?! This week, we introduce the Warrior and their “Giant Swords of Badassery”™. Get your ass over to the Warrior's new class page, then come back here to check out our sweet plans for the rest of the week.

How was that cupcake? Not enough for you? Wellhere's the rest of the week's schedule to get you pumped up!

On Thursday, we're going to be hosting an AMA on the WildStar subreddit. We'll have a handful of the class designers on-hand to discuss the Warrior, the combat systems, and answer any other questions you want to throw their way.

This Saturday, we'll be hosting our Warrior livestream! Oooh yeah! Live from Carbine Studios, we'll be showcasing the changes to the Warrior that have been made over the last year based on beta feedback. We told you the Devs were listening! Plus we'll highlight some of the recent major changes that testers will see in the upcoming Winter Beta. Join us on Twitch and ask your questions live!
Glad they laid it out in detail for the peoples...I just want the unannounced classes though.
From the Ask me Anything thread on Reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/WildStar/comments/1q4dyp/we_are_the_wildstar_warrior_class_team_ama/)

Q:Will Tanking warriors have any abilities to protect players in a telegraph? Such as a cone behind them?

A:The Warrior does indeed have some cool abilities that allow you to protect your teammates from taking damage from creatures and telegraphs.
Defense Grid, a longer cooldown ability, creates a protective zone that when the Warrior and allies stand inside of it take less damage. This ability is especially useful in group content such as dungeons when you know the boss has an attack that you will not be able to avoid.
Plasma Wall, when tiered up grants a defensive buff to allies when they stand closely behind the Warrior when using the ability.
Sentinel is a targeted passive ability that sacrifices some of the Warrior’s armor and grants it to an ally. This is great for off-tank builds where you are less concerned with pure mitigation.

Q:How will taunting work? Will that be a telegraphed ability, or will it be targeted?

A: Taunting in Wildstar is entirely aim based. Some are like skill shots where as others are PBAE that require more careful positioning rather than aiming.
Default Taunts will temporarily set you to max Threat for the duration of the Taunt. When the taunt wears off you will resume your normal position in the threat list.
Intimidates, are more powerful taunts on a longer cooldown. The difference between Intimidates and taunts are that you will retain your position at the top of the threat list when the taunt wears off. (Unless a reckless DPS or Healer is still generating more threat than you)
Additionally Taunts in Wildstar will also reduce the damage dealt by enemies to all players that are NOT the taunter. For example I the Warrior taunt a boss, it will now do less damage to my group members while the taunt is active. This functionality also works in PvP.
Q: Does this mean that taunts may also be used for raid-wide mitigation (eg: before the boss does an unavoidable AOE) ?
A: Yes this is a valid strategy. This is best used by Taunts rather than Intimidates as they are on a shorter cooldown.
This improves the dynamic of using Taunts if you are secure in with your threat generation. As it means the ability is not dead weight in your Action Set.
There are encounters that require multiple tanks for a single boss and misuse of your taunts and preventing a tank swap could lead to a wipe.
Q: Will taunting change the PVP player's target to the tank?
A: No, we felt that this would be too intrusive, specifically with our combat system that has very few targeted abilities.
This means that player will have to actively react when they are taunted. Do you continue trying to kill who you are fighting, back off, switch targets all part of the PvP strategy.

Q: Are warrior tanks meant to eat telegraphs more so than dodge? It has been stated that warrior tanks will have the best mitigation and I am wondering how that will work into the play style.
A: This is kind of the player’s choice, but also dependent on how good your gear is and what a specific encounter requires.
If you have good gear and the encounter needs you to keep the boss in a specific position then you will probably have to face tank a telegraph. It is then up to the Warrior to decide when to use Defensive cooldowns.
There are other encounters, or specific boss abilities that you need to dodge out of and your group will need to respond to positioning changes.
Q: So would you say that the warrior's ability to tank a telegraph via Heavy Armor is what will make a tanking Warrior and a tanking Stalker feel different than one another?
A:Yes but the complete picture comes down to the differences between available abilities, what Action Set you are using, how you setup your A.M.P.s and what tactics you apply to different encounters.

Q:Will boss mobs be fully mobile while they're casting telegraphs like breaths etc? It sounds to me like you're expecting a large position change for something that could be as simple as a quick dip to the side.
A:Both of these situations can happen and there are environmental attacks to consider as well.
Players will have to be quick to react to what is happening, sometimes a dodge is all that's needed, sometimes you need to stand still and eat damage, or you may need to move to a completely different area dodging telegraphs as you go.

Q:Three dimensional targeting; How is combat in eviroment such as zero gravity, under water, on different elevations handled in a skillshot game?
A:It actually just works the same way it does in the regular environment. All class telegraphs have a standard height associated with them, meaning that they can hit things above or below your current position.
Q:In a swimming, floating environment, how will the actual telegraph be visible without a texture to project it on? Will it hover in the air, or will it display on the ground below?
A:They will display on the ground (as long as that area is within the telegraph area). We've talked about making them 3 dimensional, but if we do end up doing something like that it will be post launch.

Q:Will we see ourselves as warriors needing to "switch" between the hand cannon and the greatsword? Or will the cannon be "always enabled" and used when we activate the corresponding ranged ability?
A:The arm cannon will always be enabled when you use an ability that requires it.

Q:Hey guys, thanks for doing this.
  1. Warriors are tanks. How is threat management tuned for tanks? (Is it tightly tuned so the threat game is important or is the focus more on survivability/awareness with a high multiplier so tanks easily out-threat DPS).
  2. Can you give an example of how a tanking Warrior's LAS might be set up? Specifically, how do taunts work for Warriors? Will we have to use 1-2 slots on our LAS for a single-target/AoE taunt?
A:Hey unindel, thanks for coming by!
  1. Currently we tune threat management to be fairly easy as long as you are staying in the fight and using your abilities effectively.
  2. As a Warrior Tank you’ll generally have your no cooldown Basic Ability (Menacing Strikes), a no cooldown Primary Attacked (that requires Kinetic Energy to be used), a few cooldown based rotational abilities, and then a mixture of taunts/CCs/Oh $#&$ buttons. The mixture really depends on your confidence in your healer and other group members.
Q: With respect to the new Milestone ability system: Is there any reason to stop at the T4 marker and not go to the T8 marker?
ie. Base Sawblade is a DoT, T4 makes it a snare as well, and T8 make it a healing incoming debuff and removes the snare?
Or is going up the Teir always just going to add effects ontop of the previous ones?
A:Most of our Major Ability Tiers either make abilities better at what they do by rewarding good gameplay or add new functionality that will adjust how you use the ability within your rotation. They should never have drawbacks that would discourage you from tiering them up.
Our AMP system does have some of that sort of thing that you mention with removing completely altering ability functionality.

For more just check out the link: http://www.reddit.com/r/WildStar/comments/1q4dyp/we_are_the_wildstar_warrior_class_team_ama/
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