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Corvus Rex

New member
So I haven't been on and around much recently, in part due to work and life being crazy busy but also because there haven't really been many games I've been interested in of late (oh, and I suck at keeping up with forums...). In what game time I've had I've been knocking around a few old favorites (<3 X-COM) waiting for Wildstar.

Then came good 'ol Steam and their 10 bajillion percent off sales.

This fine holiday weekend my eye was caught by an "in-the-works" game called Contagion, the product of a Kickstarter by MonochromeLLC and the spiritual successor to the Half-Life 2 mod Zombie Panic: Source. It's a multiplayer (co-op and/or pvp) FPS zombie game with a lot of interesting features that I think other fans of the genre might like.

Here's a link to the game's site:

They've got some video and screenshots up, as well as a webcomic.

But some of the highlights include:

-Multiple game modes
-Randomly generated maps
-Ability to fortify positions (Don't know how extensive this is though.)
-Player-controlled zombies (This one is interesting; players can control regular old zombies, not special infected or anything like that. Since the game emphasizes resource management and avoidance however a player good at blending in with the horde can lure human players into a false sense of security and then pounce when they least expect it. Even if they don't manage to kill them, its possible they might have infected the player; turning them into another zombie at some point in the future.)

It's still in development, but early access to the game is currently on sale through steam for $3.74, so I'm going to give it a shot and post my thoughts.
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