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GW2 Controls Key Mapping


New member
After just getting a new mouse I was thinking over how to map all the buttons and keys on my keyboard to the different skills and abilities. How does everyone else setup their controls? I'm sure there is almost an infinite variety but maybe if we shared people might be able to pick up a tip or try something that works better for certain professions etc. I'd just be interested in seeing all the setups, modifiers, etc!
I have a kinda odd setup that's from years of use, more than anything, and I'm just used to it. It seems odd to others, usually, but it feels natural to me. :) Probably easier to show with a screenshot, but alas, I'm at work... so:

1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4 -or- [forward-mouse-button]
5 - 5 -or- [back-mouse-button]

6 (heal) - ctrl+[back-mouse-button] -or X
7 (Util 1) - Q
8 (Util 2) - shift+Q
9 (Util 3) - shift+[forward-mouse-button]
0 (Elite) - ctrl+[middle-mouse-button]

Special 1 (F1) - shift+1
Special 2 (F2) - shift+2
Special 3 (F3) - shift+3
Special 4 (F4) - shift+4

Dodge - [middle-mouse-button] (double-tap removed)
Weapon swap - tilde
Target next enemy - E
Target prev enemy - shift+E

PTT - left ALT
I use a Logitech G13, and this is my setup.


I'd also recommend reading Taugrim's perspective on keybinds.
I've gotten in the habit of mapping my abilities to shift and then some key around the movement ones. It's not like my pinky is doing much of anything else anyway. It got kind of messy in other games, but since you're not overwhelmed with abilities in GW2, I think it'll work out just fine.
I haven't played enough with the other professions, but I'm wondering is Target Nearest/Next Ally important enough to bind? Most support skills seems to be AoE, cones, or circles.
It is very important, imo. If anything, so you can get their health bar on-screen, and to see conditions on your target. Also, many skills are targeted, or have a "leap to" effect as well.
I wish Logitech or Razer would make some available for left handed people so I can use it with my right hand. Or just make the directional pad swappable.
Here are mine, though I've made a couple alterations since BWEs and stress tests.


I've since changed Shift to Tab-targeting, and put interact on G. I also changed my middle mouse click to heal, and put weapons swap on clicking my wheel to the left. I love those wheel binds. They work really well.
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