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GW2 Dagger/Dagger Yes please :D

Yay! I'm glad they're actually being used more in tourneys now XDDDD

Do you mean that dagger/dagger is actually being used? Or that ellys are being used? Staff ellys have been used since the beginning. They're one of the strongest proff for tournies, them and warrior/guardian. Really the ones that people usually switch out are thief/Mesmer/necro/engi/ranger.
Do you mean that dagger/dagger is actually being used? Or that ellys are being used? Staff ellys have been used since the beginning. They're one of the strongest proff for tournies, them and warrior/guardian. Really the ones that people usually switch out are thief/Mesmer/necro/engi/ranger.

I meant Elly's in general, I really never even saw staff ones being used much from the videos I've seen.
I meant Elly's in general, I really never even saw staff ones being used much from the videos I've seen.

Check out supersquad, team paradigm, team legacy, team synergy. They use either staff or daggerx2 ellys. Really good videos.
Read that as supersquid. >.>;;

Yeah I usually watched Team Paradigm and their comp for bwe2-3 didn't seem to have an elly.

Yea Xeph would usually either play a Mesmer or an Elly depending on if the other team was using a thief or not. Mesmers destroy thiefs lol
This just proves that the 'common' weapons you think of a class using are not the only options :D
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