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DannyHeads's Application

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New member
Daniel Cabezas

Age (must be 18+)

Where are you from? (timezone)
Austin Tx (Central Time Zone)

Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?

Character Name(s)
Dannyheads (or anything with Danny in it)

What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community?
Wildstar, Rust, Smite, really any games just looking for friendly people to play with

Class/Race(if applicable)
Most play a Healer or Ranged DPS

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
PvE, Pvp

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
WoW- for around 5 years
Aion- about 6 months
GW1 and 2- 3 Years no longer playing though

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
I was part of many guilds in all of the games listed. I felt like none of them had a strong community so I kept bouncing around trying to find a strongly community oriented one.

How did you hear about the AltTabMe?
Cyberwalrus told me about this community.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I think I am funny, but my friends disagree. I love helping people when ever I can and I will be chatty but I need to warm up to the gang first.

How much time do you spend a week on games?
According to steam around 41.5 hours over 2 weeks so i guess around 21 hours over one week.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I am a full time student so I cant be as active on weekdays but weekends are good.

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I understand I must be active on the forums to stay on the roster, and I have a minimum of 1-2 posts(other than this application), and I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)

Enter the Code so we know you read the rules
Ok guys, here is your first real app as TAB members. Please vote accordingly. There is no poll as this is an older app. So use the text to vote.
I see potential. Would like to get to know you better before casting my vote. Open up a little. Elaborate on your answers more.


"What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
PvE, Pvp"

I realize the question isn't ask, but what is it about PvE or PvP that makes you want to take on that role in the guild?

Get on mumble hang out and BS with some people. If you see me on there feel free to say hey.
I agree with Brigga here and see some great potential. However, i haven't gotten a chance to chat with you all to well and i would say beef it up some more.
Some questions from me are:
What time zone are you in? What are your some of your playing hours? Are you a talkative person or sit silently petting a cat?

But as of right now my answer is no, with a chance to re-apply.

Other than that, grab a beer and join us in chat. Most of our East coast guys are on the normal hours and the west coast and EU... and Aussis are on at irregular hours *ponydurr: So someone will be on.
I agree with the previous sentiments, I'd like to get some interaction - be it in game, chat, mumble, etc. and a bit more substance on the application as well. Answers are a bit on the short side. I've seen you lurking around off and on for a while, take some time to break out of the shell!
I have been at work so that is why there is a lack of response on my part. It's time to fix that though.


I pretty much agree with everyone else. Answers were short and you kind of just lurk (albeit I've been doing the same and need to work on it). Just hop in the Mumble (another thing I need to work on) and chill out with everyone would be my best advice.
I have been at work so that is why there is a lack of response on my part. It's time to fix that though.


I pretty much agree with everyone else. Answers were short and you kind of just lurk (albeit I've been doing the same and need to work on it). Just hop in the Mumble (another thing I need to work on) and chill out with everyone would be my best advice.

I didn't remember DannyHead, even though I saw he had over 30 posts. Apparently, all but a couple of them were from late Aug- early Sep of last year.

Given the 5 month gap, I don't think the activity level warrants a guild invite at this point.

He is more than welcome to lurk to his heart's content, though.
I think it is safe to assume that the masses all agree I need to make my self more known then reapply thanks for the great tips I will be sure to put them to use for my next app.

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk.
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