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Wildstar Datascape will become a 20-man raid!

And thus Wildstar no longer is any different from WoW. But this is great news because now people can fucking PLAY THE GAME instead of WORK IT. :)
The amount of sodium in that thread makes the dead sea look like saline.
That comment, was super troll tho.
If making concessions for your clients makes you into Blizzard than Blizzard must just be the epitome of smart business...
I think it's a good thing. Might be inclined to stick with the game a bit more nao
That comment, was super troll tho.
If making concessions for your clients makes you into Blizzard than Blizzard must just be the epitome of smart business...

I dunno I think they kinda trolled themselves by saying they would NEVER make content easier due to mass demand... however... they missed the mark on what demand was. So they kinda dug their own grave prior to launching. NOW the NON troll part is it is a SMART MOVE to do it because it makes it so more people can access content, play content, and ENJOY THE GAME. So for that I am happy. Also happy you guys can do it easier now without the need to move mountains. So wooo woo!
I dunno I think they kinda trolled themselves by saying they would NEVER make content easier due to mass demand...

Lol that's a good point, they did troll themselves.

I just had to call ye out, cuz WS will never be 'just' like wow. CUZ YOU STILL NEED BOTH HANDS TO PLAY. ;D
Hahahah I kid.
I can barely play any of these games with two handed and you all are talking about 1-handed? Blasphemy
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