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Daybreak/SOE lay offs


Fairy Princess
I've been following on and off for the past few hours the layoffs and such that are happening.

Looks like it's mostly EQN staff, some PS2, some H1z1, but who knows what the day will hold.

For those of you who haven't heard yet, here are some links:

^^ DayZ standalone Dev trying to help out.

So, just wanted to know what you all think? I, personally, am not surprised. The second I heard this part of Sony was bought out, I knew it would lead to this. I'm still pretty sad to hear it, and upset to know that many of my favorite games are losing resources, people are losing their jobs, and the whole "marketing" of the new daybreak vision meaning more $$ and more resources was a lie.

Like I said before, this company is a money laundering front for the KGBs Crocodil profits. Not surprised in the slightest.
I'm sure they exist, but I can't think of any acquisitions that didn't result in layoffs. If a company with established IPs that didn't originally plan to sell sells, then (imo) it's probably because it was mismanaged. I'd like to see how Smedley is affected by this.

Outside of this, I think game artists and visual effects artists should unionize. The accepted production culture in these worlds really is to work people to the bone. It's a bad habit we've started and cannot shake. I worry that the people who were kept will have a lot of slack to pickup/hats to wear and be sucked dry. But then I also worry that the unions might be mismanaged and just become a mini-mafia collecting dues for "protection". /sigh
I knew that acquisition was the beginning of the end. I just hope sometime in the future the Planetside rights get sold to a proper game company.
I'm sure they exist, but I can't think of any acquisitions that didn't result in layoffs. If a company with established IPs that didn't originally plan to sell sells, then (imo) it's probably because it was mismanaged. I'd like to see how Smedley is affected by this.

Outside of this, I think game artists and visual effects artists should unionize. The accepted production culture in these worlds really is to work people to the bone. It's a bad habit we've started and cannot shake. I worry that the people who were kept will have a lot of slack to pickup/hats to wear and be sucked dry. But then I also worry that the unions might be mismanaged and just become a mini-mafia collecting dues for "protection". /sigh

Unions fuck creativity, but the way the gaming industry works now kills creativity by killing employees. I know I was in it, I watched my friends hospitalized. That being said... we don't know the reasons for the layoffs. Maybe they were over hiring, but at the same time maybe they are about to bleed these places dry and we are fucked.

Either way, it sucks for those let go.
I was really looking forward to EQNext, I can't believe they let go Dave Georgeson....

Yeah that was the worst part of all of this. It looked to be a really great game. But I dunno, unless they sell it off, we are in trouble.
Lay offs suck PERIOD. no matter the reason. I got layed off because i didn't like my former bosses business practices and didn't want to follow them. They were unethical.
I'm not a fan of EQ games, but EQN was a huge hitter and was going to be bringing in so much revenue, players, etc. What a fucking waste.
Lay offs suck PERIOD. no matter the reason. I got layed off because i didn't like my former bosses business practices and didn't want to follow them. They were unethical.

As every executive & union boss at GM has ever said: "Ethics are for poor people."
Then they clink their glasses of cognac and adjust their monocles.
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