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Defender´s Quest 2 (includes turtle tanks!)


Crazy German Guy
Just saw that there will be a sequel to one of my favorite TDs: Defender´s Quest
Link is here:
and you can play the Demo of the old game on Kong:

The Pitch

Defender's Quest II is happening! Let's talk about it. First, here's a pretty picture:

Let's start by answering the obvious questions.
Is that a turtle-tank?
Yes! His name is Bitey. He's not technically a turtle, but he is technically a tank, among other things. The boy and girl are Javir and Terevan, respectively.
What's going on?
Defender's Quest II is set in a completely new world, with a brand new cast of characters and an entirely different story from last time.
I have a million questions!
Cool, we have slightly less than a million answers in our FAQ.
Scroll down for more details about our plans for Defender's Quest II!

We're keeping all the best features from Defender's Quest I and improving the rest, based on tons of user feedback and our own experience.
  • Everyone's a Hero!
  • More Interesting Choices
  • Better Equipment
  • Better Battles
  • Cleaner Interface

We've put together a great team for Defender's Quest II, and with your help we can make the art and music better than ever!

    • Better Cutscenes

  • HD resolution support

Defender's Quest II: Mists of Ruin takes place in a world whose surface is covered by a toxic, heavier-than-air gas known as "Mirk."
To explain further, we've asked Captain Javir to say a few words.

If you're reading this, then you're one of the few lucky souls to be receiving Captain Javir's Guide to Survivorness-itivity, an inestimable fountain of mentorship here to lead you into the exciting and rewarding career that is being expendable monster-fodder--I mean--a Scavenger!

First, let's start with the basics. It's year three in the century of the Nine-Banded Slaughter Maggot and the world is crap. Well, not literally. If you want an actual chemical breakdown, the world is 97% Mirk, 2% arable land, and 1% barely-functioning domed cities.
Reasons to pre-order
If you're wondering what to expect, the answer is simple: Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten, but better! Here's a lot of reason why Defender's Quest II will be awesome and you should pre-order it now:
  • Defender's Quest I was great
  • We have a great team
  • We have a solid track record
  • We're not over-ambitious
  • You get the original DEFQ to play right now
  • You can share with friends
If I can get 3 other people together who also want this, i would buy a 4 pack and gift it. If not I will just go for a higher Tier.
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