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TV Series Defiance


New member
I'm 40 minutes into the tv show's pilot, and I'm pretty impressed with what they've done with it so far. The atmosphere feels quite unique, the production value unusually high for a tv show. The story creates a setting for unusual landscapes (due to a terraformed earth), architecture, and lots of mutated creatures and alien races (and I mean lots!).
They even created a unique language for the show!

If they manage to back all this up with a good story, the show may very well have what it takes to gather a cult following, it has elements that remind me of Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Firefly.

Edit: After watching the whole episode I'm rather disappointed by the second half. It's as if they ran out of time to finish everything they had on their plate for the pilot, and as a result the last 30 minutes just feel hurried, clichéd and sloppy. I hope the next episode is more along the lines of the pilot's beginning!
I got bits and pieces of it since i was moving. *boo. I need to go back and watch the whole thing.

But from what i saw it has a lot of potential. Correct me if i'm wrong but the towns name is Defiance right? The shows name is defiance... it seems to me that they are kinda tied down with the town?

I have also seen that naming things after places or things does kinda tie down a show and gets abrupt endings... Firefly anyone? but i am hopping that it does continue and makes me into a believer.
In my opinion the story fell flat during the last 30 minutes or so, they wrap up the pilot with all types of clichés that I've seen in so many different movies and tv shows, which left a pretty stale taste in my mouth.

Yea, the border town is named Defiance. And you're right, the whole "tied down" thing does remind me of Deep Space 9, now that you mention it.
Regardless, I still think this is the scifi show to watch on tv at the moment (not that there are that many to begin with). There is definitely a lot of potential there, I think the next episodes will give us a better impression of what to expect than the pilot.
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