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Did the Christians need a boost in google SEO?


Staff member

Watch the video.

Offended? You shouldn't be. It wasn't even that good. Well except for the "The H is silent" line. :)

Now watch South Park's Jesus Episode, you know the one that one awards? Tell me which is more offensive.

So my question is why are the "Christians" getting so up in arms about this? Why because they need to be in the spotlight. I quote "Christians" because I by NO MEANS categorize everyone into this category of ridiculousness because of religious belief. So I don't want to offend the ones who are actually logical :p

NOW tell me if any of this doesn't make you laugh at the so called "Christians".

Some Christians were pretty upset over the skit and implied that they are singled out for satire, while other religions get a free pass.
“Over the weekend, Muslims in Egypt set fire to a Christian church—the second in a month,” said Bill Donohue of the Catholic League. “The church’s cross was torn down and Christians were stoned by these barbarians. Imagine how much fun SNL could have with that? But they don’t have the guts to go there.”
So are they saying making fun of Muslims stoning Christians is on the same page as a spoof on a Tarantino film?!?!?

Now we have Retailers getting free publicity riding the short coat tail of this phenomenon :

“As long as corporations support this kind of offensive material, their sales are going to suffer as shoppers abandon retailers that support blasphemy. I hope folks can reinstate their patronage to these stores and that Sears and JCPenney can stick with the good decisions they have now made,” Wildman added. “When you embrace television programming with no morals, you can’t possibly embrace the public you are trying to sell to.”

My favorite part of that one is "As Shoppers abandon retailers that support blasphemy." Cause a commercial during a SNL skit is going to hurt sales of the mega giant stores...

"“When you embrace television programming with no morals, you can’t possibly embrace the public you are trying to sell to." Isn't this like the opposite of marketing 101?

And according to Jay's comment on: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kirker-butler/dont-be-offended_b_2838657.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment
This is actually the end of the world where he will be absorbed to heaven shortly...

We should carefully guard against anything that mocks the Christ. He died for us… It is through him that we are granted forgiveness of our sins and may attain salvation…. That said, there will be non believers and ridiculers in these last days. While we cannot stop them or should even try, we must reject their wicked views and constantly pay attention to the Perfector of our faith.
1 John 5:19
“We know we originate with God, but the WHOLE WORLD is lying in the power of the wicked one.”
As a writer on the Huffington post says:
However, I would like to take a moment to address the people who have spent hours blogging, boycotting, emailing, and tweeting their disgust. In short, I would like to speak to the offended, and I would like to say this:

NAILED IT. Even threw in a yo mamma joke :p
Then you get this comment:
I am a feminist, thank you ever so much for mansplaining to me why I shouldn't be offended by an (supposedly) adult male who makes sex jokes about a 9 yr old girl (sarcasm off). Misogyny, rape, rape culture, pedophilia are NOT items we should accept as "Just a joke".

Did we watch the same video?

And one comment kinda nailed it on the head:
The sketch was not about Jesus — it was about Quentin Tarantino’s blatantly violence-laden warping of history in both “Inglorious Basterds” and “Django Unchained.” The only reason it’s funny is that the “Tarantino movie” is blatantly at odds with the true Jesus, resurrected savior and author of life. Jesus’ image is not being mocked; what’s being mocked is how Jesus would look through Tarantino’s eyes. The sketch works only if you accept that Jesus is the prince of peace. That’s why the quoted reviewer wonders if Jesus really used the “N” word. It’s irony.

So I ask again? Is this serious? Or are the "Christians" just in need of some publicity?
Shit Sears and JCpenny were smart to pull their ads, not because they disapprove of content but because DAMN they just rode the free publicity wave this has created. "Christians" will take it as a sign of good faith and shop there if they weren't going to, and the non Christians will shop there anyway if they did. Time to shop before my absolution!

What do you think?
I'm only offended by all the blood. Gross!

Honestly I didn't even know about the skit until you posted it because I watch so little TV, and I don't really pay attention to the news. Everyone is offended by something in this world, and comedy often pushes the envelope into controversial areas. Granted, it can cross the line of tastefulness, which is when mainstream audiences tend to get uncomfortable. Get them too far out of their comfort zone and humor becomes 'offensive'.

I agree, the skit wasn't all that funny, but the content didn't offend me.
For the record, I am a recovering catholic, not all that religious, and pretty tolerant of all faiths or lack-thereof. So that is my opinion.
lol! People are offended by that? Pfft. Silly people. Get all wound up over anything. I liked the "less violent Passion of the Christ" line xD

Haha reminds me of this, what with the back-from-the-dead-to-kill-people thing. And I'm sure that's offensive too. *rolleyes*

Anyhoo, I don't think it's a publicity thing so much as some people are just dumb. I mean:

Some Christians were pretty upset over the skit and implied that they are singled out for satire, while other religions get a free pass.

Really? How many jokes have there been about Muslims and their 42 virgins? >.> And that's beside the fact that the skit is more aimed toward Tarantino movies than Christianity. :/
Along with all the other issues the country/world has...everyone has grown waaay too soft. People get butthurt over the stupidest things. these days.
Along with all the other issues the country/world has...everyone has grown waaay too soft. People get butthurt over the stupidest things. these days.

OMG, you said "butthurt." That is offensive to me.
I would prefer you to say "tender buttocks", tyvm. ;)
As a Christian, I'm not offended at all by that. It was meant in a comedic, satirical way. God is not so sensitive that I need to get offended on His behalf.

I would like to point out, however, that the Christian response to being offended is blogging and threatening boycotts. I wonder how many would have died already if that was "Dmohammed" instead. Just sayin.
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