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DnD 5e - Updated Map of the Shadowlands


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How well is Borus fleshed out? What does he like/dislike? Who are the most important figures in this religion? Who are the most prominent preachers of the religion? What rules/laws are there? How was it started?
I don't know everything about Borus since it's Dorgus' backstory buuuut from what I do know

Most important figures are 1) Borus himself duh, and 2) Dorgus who was literally his first follower - Gyoin correct me if I am wrong on these accounts.
Most prominent preacher is again Dorgus
Started by Dorgus because his old god, Horus, betrayed him and he believed that Horus was evil and must have a twin who was good that would actually take care of us.

Or something along those lines.
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