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Dragon Age: Inquisition ; The Most Customizable Bioware RPG Ever!


War Priestess
Not sure who is looking forward to this besides me. I never had the opportunity to play the previous Dragon Age games but I do love Bioware's knack for a helluva story and engaging RPGs.

The Dragon Age series is one of the preeminent role playing series of recent times and one of its hallmarks is BioWare’s commitment to giving players the ability to create a totally unique experience. In past games, character creation has been robust but other areas of customization have been missing to one degree or another. Enter Dragon Age: Inquisition and BioWare’s evolution into a highly customizable experience that begins with character creation and continues through the final moments of the game.
We had the opportunity to participate in a round table discussion with DA:I’s Producer Cameron Lee to talk about crafting and customization, two features that give players an amazing amount of flexibility both in terms of looks and in game play style.
We began the day with a discussion of the crafting and customization overview video BioWare released yesterday. Cameron spoke about the major themes seen in the video before opening up the floor to questions from the assembled panel.

“Weapons are created from schematics that include upgrade slots to weapons and armor. By using a system like this, it lets players make what they want to make. Schematics define the shape of what you’re going to build. You can fill the primary slot with X amount of metal. Other slots are defensive, masterwork etc., each with the ability for players to insert a crafting component to add stats to the item or armor.”

“In crafting materials, you choose what you want to put into each slot. Each material adds different stats depending on what it is and where it is slotted. Players can create whatever equipment for looks and/or customize stats for their particular style of play. Metals will change colors and textures, unique from others. After equipment is made or found, you can then insert upgrades (found or upgraded) and can swap out, for instance, a blade, shaft, hilt, etc. All are crafted and bring their own stats to the weapon. Masterwork slot components are very rare and difficult to attain. Inserting one gives a chance to make it above and beyond what it could have ever been. Armor is a suit of armor, not individual pieces but slots for arms, legs, etc. to upgrade (similar to a blade or hilt on a weapon). Both weapons and armor can be runed to add stats and visual effects as well.”
“In terms of character customization, scars, tattoos are included in a whole range of different variables that can be altered by the multipoint cursor that can change the definition of the facial structure and skull, or the color palette for eyes (inner-outer irises).”
“It is important for us to give players the ability to fulfill their own fantasy for who they are in this game – gender, class, race, etc. and to enable them to play the way they want to play.”
Lastly, Cameron touched on potions, tonics, and grenades: “You’ll need to find recipes and have an alchemist unlock it and replenish with herbs. All potions, tonics can be improved to make them more effective in combat. All characters have their own individualized potion load outs other than healing which is shared.”

Wrapping up the video, we moved on to the open question and answer part of the call.
CRAFTING: The Ability to Look & Fight as You Wish
Question: Can players craft or choose not to if they wish? Are there ways to get normally non-crafting types into it?
Cameron Lee: Both play styles are valid and clear in the game. There is so much loot that’s dropping anyway that they don’t have to craft if they don’t want to. They will not be hindered in any way. If you want to min/max, you’ll want to explore it more carefully.
MMORPG.com: Will there be transmogs or some type of a wardrobe system available? Can properties of one thing be put on the appearance of another?
Cameron Lee: Yes there is in a sense. Schematics define shape and you can reuse them as often as you wish. Once you’ve created a look, you can modify it. If you find a really cool armor and then you equip it to be all constitution based but later want a damage one that looks the same, you can use the schematic again to do that. Metals will change the way each set looks slightly but each will retain the form and shape to keep that identity. They will be 2 separate pieces of armor that you can switch out which is cool to be able to do to prepare for combat. Based on the situation, you can switch out the equipment that best suits the battle.

Question: How do we get schematics and materials?
Cameron Lee: You’ll get them from quest rewards, chests, off monsters, from the operations table with mission rewards and they can be purchased. Materials will be in logical places – some metals in certain locations, etc.
Question: Will you be able to keep your same weapon and armor and augment it in different ways throughout the game?
Cameron Lee: Either or. Keep refining equipment and making it better and better throughout the game such as maybe keeping an axe you love and keep refining it to improve it. Or you can make lots of axes with different stats.
MMORPG.com: If you find a great armor you love at the beginning of the game, will it have enough upgrade options and slots to make it viable in late game on high difficulty and while min/max-ing?
Cameron Lee: It’s unlikely the exact same armor will be used if it’s very low level, however there are often advanced armors or schematics which will allow a player to create armor that looks exceedingly similar that can then be min/maxed at high level
MMORPG.com: Do schematics have base armor stats on them or are the completely blank stats wise? For instance, if I find a level 5 armor with 3 slots, does it have base level 5 stats and how will it keep up with, for instance, a base level 17 stat armor with 3 slots?
Cameron Lee: No, they are blank slates. The strength of equipment is dictated by the number of slots and how many materials can be inserted into each slot.

Question: Do all weapons have slots?
Cameron Lee: A few have no slots but schematics can be found even in the prologue. It may only be slightly better but loot items will also have upgrade slots available to modify it.
Question: Can a player mix/match skills into slots? Can a rogue stat and put it onto a warrior?
Cameron Lee: Not exactly but there are enough specializations to give a good feel for different bases within each class. For instance, making a warrior more –like- a rogue, but not use rogue slot items or abilities. You don’t always have to be a tank, if you know what I mean. If you’re a mage and you’re using the night enchanter specialization there are ways to be more physical in combat if you wish. It doesn’t mean you’ll run with a sword, but your skills are closer to your enemy.
Question: Once you commit to a specialization are you actually committing to that one area only? Do you have to go through that skill tree or can you jump between all three?
Cameron Lee: We wanted to make the specializations more meaningful and you’ll pick only one for your class…or none. You invest in that tree as much or as little as you wish. But there is no cross specialization.
Question: Will players be able to respec talents on the fly?
Cameron Lee: Talent respec is a purchased item. It’s based on your char’s money in the game in order to buy the token. You can’t do this in combat but can between encounters.
Question: How much visual variety are there in weapons and armor? Are there purely cosmetic visuals?
Cameron Lee: There is a lot, I don’t know how many, but a helluva lot you can create. Some are colors. Some shapes, tints, sheens, etc. There aren’t purely cosmetic visuals at this point.

Question: Can you re-spec specializations on items?
Cameron Lee: Because gaining a specialization is part of the player’s story, the respect item will only respect the talents within your specialization, it won’t wipe the specialization itself
MMORPG.com: Can armor be dyed and/or upgraded without changing its look?
Cameron Lee: Color is dictated by the materials you use in crafting. Special dye items won’t be at launch, but we’re looking at the possibility of adding them later on, but no guarantees.

MMORPG.com: Will there be legendary crafts like Wade’s in Awakening? How do skills and resources play into it? Are both required? NPCs or companions as crafters?
Cameron Lee: Legendary items can be found throughout the game. In crafting, you can find a powerful schematic with lots of options and slots and how much metal, and then fill it with what you want to make it look the way you want or have the stats your wish. Legendary items will have “masterwork” slot to be filled.
The most effective weapons are crafted with a filled masterwork slot that is totally tailored to each player’s individual style and that supplement it and the party each person creates. It’s sort of “synergy with play style” and takes time invested to find a masterwork material and the right schematic and enchanting with the right rune.
There is no skill gateway – Everyone can craft. Inquisition talents can improve the system and those tie into the biggest customization options. It’s a global crafting system.
Question: Can you save character creation progress as a template for later? Can those looks be shared?
Cameron Lee: I don’t have the answer to that and we’ll get back to you on that.
Question: Can a character’s look be changed at some point?
Cameron Lee: At this point, no, we haven’t had time for that yet. No promises on that yet.
Question: Is customization to face only or height/body?

Cameron Lee: It’s limited to face for a couple reasons. When we brought back races into DA, there was a lot of variety in genders and four races, a lot of variables. We didn’t want to do on top of that another series of modifications with body and such. So it’s just the face but the combination of gender/classes, you’ll get a good variety – armor changes things too.
CUSTOMIZATION: It’s for Companions Too!
Question: Companion armor – will they look like they belong in the armor they wear?
Cameron Lee: BioWare characters have a lot of personality that includes their look. When we examined how a particular set of armor looked on a character, we took that into consideration. The same suit of armor will look one way, for instance, on Cassandra and another on Iron Bull. They will have a slightly different look. Some characters have a particular look that suits them such as Templar or Seeker armor on Cassandra.
MMORPG.com: In Dragon Age, your companions’ look changed depending if they were hardened or not. For instance, Leliana wore armor if hardened, a robe if not. Will something like this happen in DAI based on a character’s relationship to the Inquisitor inside Skyhold?
Cameron Lee: One of the things players didn’t like was having a companion’s look dictated to them. The look here is now based on how players want companions to look, not based on a relationship system.
GENERAL: Crafting & Customization (Other)
Question: Can potions and tonics be upgraded? Do we need schematics for that?
Cameron Lee: Upgrades are found through a level system. The alchemist can ask for other materials to research a better version. You find them, bring them back and the upgrade is made.
MMORPG.com: Will players be able to create their own heraldic symbol for use on banners or shields?
Cameron Lee: No User Created Content. Skyhold has heraldry and you can gain heraldry in a variety of ways throughout the story. If you want banners with the GW symbol, or the Qunari symbol, or the Inquisitions, you can pick that in the Skyhold customization option.

THE GRAB BAG: Tossed 'Em Out to See if An Answer Would Float to the Surface
Question: There are implications in the game based on a character’s race. Is there going to be some direction for new players?
Cameron Lee: We don’t want to overwhelm a new player by spoiling that first experience in the world with a certain race. Players will be given a certain amount of information but we want them to experience the content and learn. We want it experienced through whole game slowly rather than dump it all in at the beginning. The joy of uncovering it, that first look at it is important for new players. But it’s cool to experience it first hand as they play through.
Question: Do any previous decisions affect who companions act towards the Inquisitor or weapons or abilities that they may have?
Cameron Lee: It doesn’t affect abilities but it does certainly affect that character, and not just their interactions with you, but their interactions with other characters in the game. Actions/decisions that the Warden made with Morrigan (Cassandra/Varric) will flesh out how she acts in Inquisition and how she interacts with other characters. For instance Cassandra and Varric had a relationship in DA2 that, depending on choices made there, will affect how they interact with one another as well as with other characters.
Question: How do you collect the Jar of Bees?
Cameron Lee: Jar of Bees grenade is actually a special case
  • First you need to complete an operation on the war table to gain access to bees for your Inquisition
  • Then you need to collect alchemy herbs from the world in order to prime the grenade. This priming of the grenade is what you’re doing when you replenish the Bee grenade
I’m not sure how you get bees so I’m going to go find out.
MMORPG.com: When can we expect to see The Keep?
Cameron Lee: Soon ™
Source: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/...on-Cameron-Lee-on-Customization-Crafting.html
I loved the dragon age games. Second one was a solid meeeeeh. This one looks amazing. I really hope they pull this off. I will probably get this game at one point
planning on buying this and playing with Spicyjoobrew as well

I have the DELUXE MEGA EDITION DAY 1 DIGITAL COLLECTORS DLC EDITION preordered....can't wait to see you guys in the multiplayer^_^[DOUBLEPOST=1412651559,1412651376][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, don't play #2 for the gameplay imo. DA2 is all about the characters and the story they weave with each other. It's one of my favorite all time stories. The novels thread through the computer games as well because it is the same writers creating both! DA2 also becomes a lot more important in terms of the evolving story if you ever have a chance to read the novels.
Interesting. I'll end up reading up on some back story at work tonight!

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I'll be picking this game up as well. I have enjoyed the dragon age franchise since it first launched. With inquisition almost here I've been replaying Orgins! I look forward to doing glorious battle in the new co-op mode :D
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE. I am pre-ordering this. These guys have been doing streams constantly. Answering question. They have been on the ball. Showing gameplay left and right and explaining a shit ton of stuff. I am thoroughly impressed -brucethumbsup-
I'm not really sure if I'm going to snag this or not, kind of want to wait for some reviews to come in first.
I imagine a lot of people are going to disappear for a short bit when this is released

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My review is. Dragon Age games are awesome. :) I'll play it when it comes out and give you an unbiased review :p
My review is. Dragon Age games are awesome. :) I'll play it when it comes out and give you an unbiased review :p

i'm sure single player will be good, skeptical about multiplayer though. While I enjoy the single player aspect of DA games, it may not be worth buying for me if the MP isn't that great.
i'm sure single player will be good, skeptical about multiplayer though. While I enjoy the single player aspect of DA games, it may not be worth buying for me if the MP isn't that great.

Id buy it for SP alone lol. MP is the icing. Then again I really don't want to attempt to add up the combined hours spent in The Elder Scrolls or Fallout
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