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War Priestess
Anyone from TAB pick this up? I held off on pre-ordering it up until today. I was originally set on not getting it, as were a few of my long time gaming buddies. They picked it up merely to fill an MMO void until Wildstar and were pleasantly surprised. Their opinions caused me to pre-order earlier today and jump in.

I have to say I can see where it comes from. Beta was a lot different from this. I was kinda meh playing the beta, but they really pulled off a lot of polish and tweaking since the last time I played. Supposedly the 3 faction PvP is awesome and has a lot of objectives and strategic play. Can't wait to get in there. We are on the Auriel's Bow Campaign for the PvP. IGN is Zakki, so send me a tell or friend request.
Although I do love the Elder Scrolls, definitely not gonna pick this one up.
Kidna knee deep in W* right now. I may pick it up towards the end of summer. I only need one subscription game at a time
I´ve played it with some friends of mine and it is "ok".
Plus points:
-Nice scenery (not as good as Skyrim with mods though)
-Good difficulty, might be too hard for casuals to fight some bosses
-Interesting Crafting System
-has Addons
-Suprisingly few bugs (I´ve encountered only 3 so far)
Negative points:
-Same problems with the standard controls like Skyrim
-Lag (at least sometimes)
-A lot of "I´ve played Skyrim so I´m a ROXXOR kiddies"

My friends convinced me to play it. Will not play it anymore though. I´d rather look into WoW again (I hate myself)
Didn't expect anyone from here to get involved. Regardless...they make some serious cinematics. I figured you guys would like to check them out. Not sure if you folks have seen the other two after the early announcement one last year. Bit of a storyline :D. Posted in order from top to bottom here:

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