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Evil Dead (2013)


New member
Not sure if anyone here is a fan of the original Evil Dead movies, but there is a "remake" coming out in April this year, and it looks awesome!

This trailer is pretty graphic, so don't watch it if you're not into that sort of thing :)
OMG, the original movie freaked me out so bad, that is why I don't watch horror movies anymore!
*Kismet runs screaming from the thread... Save me with your witchcraft Tom Cruise!*
My friends in college introduced me to the Evil Dead series. The original sure is... something. :p

I actually got my boyfriend to watch it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. He was mostly unimpressed, but I still find it pretty charming in its terribleness. I don't know if a remake will recapture that feeling, since it's one of those movies that's so bad that it's good. Then again, Army of Darkness was completely self-aware, and it's amazing. I'll have to keep an eye on it. :)

(If it's a straight horror film, it will probably be mediocre at best.)
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