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Favorite titles of 2013


Crazy German Guy
Hi all let´s share your favorite titles that have been released in 2013! Feel free to add some text why you picked it, I´m lazy so I won´t do it :D

1. Assassins Creed 4
2. Saints Row 4
3. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

This list would probably include GTA 5, but since it is only available on 30 FPS, 480p console (might be exaggerated), I haven´t played it yet, so I cannot judge it.
1. Starbound
2. Dead Rising 3
3. Walking Dead Season 2 (by Telltale Games)

I really haven't played too many games this year actually. Starbound is in my top spot 'cause well I love those types of games with a heavy bias. Dead Rising 3 is up there 'cause of the sheer amount of zombies on screen at once. Tearing through a crowd of hundreds of zombies with a Sledge-Saw is immensely satisfying. I wasn't really sure what else to put up there so I just put Gone Home 'cause it tells a pretty good story. I had a tough time deciding between TWD and Dead Rising but decided to put Dead Rising in second. The first episode of Walking Dead S2 was very good and left me wanting more. Can't wait for the next episode to come out! The DayZ Standalone gets an honorable mention 'cause of some of the hilarious situations I've been in already and the team behind it is pretty good with fixing bugs quickly.
New games?

How about ones that are new to me this year?

1. Smite
2. Plants V Zombies 2
3. Sim City (don't be a hater, I'm a master smelter!)
New games?

How about ones that are new to me this year?

1. Smite
2. Plants V Zombies 2
3. Sim City (don't be a hater, I'm a master smelter!)

There is a reason behind this thread. 2013 was the first year where I thought the games that were released really sucked. That´s why I wanted to hear what other people think :D
1. Bioshock: infinite (+burial at sea dlc)

Honorable mentions:
1. Smite
2. Assassin's creed: 4
3. Starbound

As a Bioshock fanboy I must say that I enjoyed all of the Bioshock games. They hold the top spots for my all time favorite games. The story is haunting and the gameplay is simple. I will admit when I found out infinite would not be taking place in rapture I was a bit distraught, how could irrational change the setting of a Bioshock game!! I purchased infinite because having played the first 2 games I could not just simply ignore the third. What I discovered was great. The floating city was just as dark as the one under the ocean. When I heard that irrational was planing on taking the story back to rapture in the burial at sea dlc i quickly grabbed a hold of my chair to avoid falling out. The dlc was great it felt just as haunting as the previous bioshocks.

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk.
wow tough one, this was an aweful gaming year for me...

1.Torchlight 2
3.....dunno... I'll edit later.
1. Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
2. Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate
3. XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Enemy Within

There were actually a lot of great titles and I wish I could list them all. Those are just a few that stand out for me.
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