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First In Line - iPhone VS Android


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[bimg=fright|300]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RU5bwb5-mSg/TpP2OFIYSFI/AAAAAAAABGk/5sSki1ihWpc/s320/justin_wagoner_ipad_2_tent.jpeg[/bimg]I read a lot of spec sheets comparing the latest Android phones against the iPhone iterations. These to me are just two guys in a room arguing over cars or their preference of a PC or Mac. Everyone has their preference so the arguments and comments on these articles are usually very passionate and fueled, but they don’t answer the questions raised:

Which phone is better?

To really answer that question, is not as simple as fastest processor, largest screen, and newest operating system.

Comparing individual specs between smartphones is like opening up the hood of a Ford Mustang and the hood of a BMW M3 and pointing out why one is better than the other based on its innards.


So here is the most popular comparison, the Galaxy S4 running Android OS and the iPhone 5S running iOS7. People want to point out here that the Galaxy S4 is the clear winner due to the larger screen, however, the difference between AMOLED and RETINA is still up for debate. Let's also talk about LARGER phones for a second. Yes the screen looks awesome at first glance, but this is still a phone and lets talk about the ease of use with one hand while say… DRIVING??!!… lol. Below is the arc of the thumb when holding a phone.

An older image of the iPhone 4 and Galaxy SII but still relevant.​

“Hardware will never trump anything if the software running on it doesn’t use it to its fullest potential."

That can also mean holding back power to reserve battery or make transitions smoother. A faster processor doesn't mean a phone will run faster if there are bottlenecks in the operating system or applications. And one things Apple does is keep their OS unified long enough for developers to really optimize those specs. (Update: One very distinct feature people all around the web can agree upon is the capacitive touch screens, Android users often feel stuttering or lag when scrolling pinch to zoom etc, while the experience on an iPhone is much smoother, which is software, not hardware. I.E. Older iPod touches vs newer Android phones.)

So OK fine, you are still unconvinced that the iPhone 4S is a contender, even after the record breaking presales and you continue to be a die hard Android OS user. That is fine, in the end it really is about personal preference. Statistically, Blackberry users(that still exist) are hardcore email users and their phones work great for that, Windows 7 phone users want to be on the edge of their seats hoping their new jump will take off and they can be early adopters, Android users usually tend to want full control over all aspects of their phone, and iPhone users tend to want something they can turn on and just use.

But screw personal preference, as we are here to say which phone is better.

So here is what I will tell you from personal experience; I have owned two android devices the HTC Incredible and Droid Eris. Both of these phones felt great to me, they ran fast and without hiccup, but within a month of owning both devices I looked on the web and realized there was a “faster/better” phone already out, so I started to get disheartened, I couldn’t keep up with the tech. I had to use a family members upgrades to keep up to date or shell out full price and hope my “old” device would sell on craigslist. That sucked. Then I would find out that my operating system was old and my phone wouldn’t get updated. So even though my phone was better the OS held it back and made it feel clunky. Well that is disappointing.

The fragmentation between phones is too great to keep them all up to date, a downfall Google is finally addressing, hopefully, in their next OS.

Android is selling more devices right now because there are more devices. What I haven’t seen yet is an article with Android users exclaiming their fear that for once, iPhone lovers can get a damn good device, the iPhone 4, for 99 dollars with contract. That is a HUGE step.

Apple may not have shock and awed the world with a redesign of the device but they opened up their phone to almost all the carriers and made it affordable, just like android with their lower level competitors.

Let’s talk Droid AD campaign for a second as well,

These ADs really don’t scream, “Mother of two children, a dog, and picket fence, I should be your next phone!” It is kinda a mix between a bad B movie with girls in scantily clad bikinis fighting zombies with that new movie “Real Steel!!!!” where Wolverine fights boxing matches with robots.. WHAT!?!

So we are not really selling to the females of the world, and then I have had a strange observation: any girl I have known that owned or owns a “Droid” has either broken it over 3 times and eventually gets an iPhone or just doesn’t dig deep enough into their Android phone’s settings and features to get the full potential of their phone to work. It sucks that the operating system needs apps and widgets to really make its full potential shine. Those features are cool, but you can download shitty features, without even being aware, that drain your battery within seconds.

Which brings me to the Battery. Whether your Android phone has a 1750 MHZ or a 900000 MHZ battery, without application mitigation from the operating system, the battery will still drain faster than it should. iOS may not have widgets but what they do have mitigates the battery to A, last longer, and B, charge faster. Those are TWO very important features.

The real elephant in the room here is the APPs, people like to say Android is now catching up with the APP game, but from my recent purchase of an iPad 2, it would seem, that is not as true as you may think. When I saw the amount of apps there were that would aid me in my daily life I almost shat a brick, then being an Android user I almost shit my pants again because OMG “I HAVE TO PAY FOR THESE!?!?!?”

That is the mentality of an Android user, their OS is free, and therefore the apps should be too. This is a huge deciding factor for companies making some of the most successful apps on iOS to NOT port them over to Android devices. They can’t make money, because iPhone users are more likely to pay for an APP than Android users.

Accessories: Because with the iPhone there is just ONE design every two years, it has the most amazing offerings of cases, chargers, and accessories. Developers have more time to create and polish them, making the choice the users decision, not decided by which phone you have. By the time cool accessories come out for your Android phone it has been replaced and the companies move on to the phone that is dubbed “cooler” so they can make more sales.So the iPhone 4S, has been dubbed a disappointment, but the sales are clear so far: it is a success. And that has a lot to do with the fact that they didn’t just upgrade the internals, they REALLY updated them, they already have one of the best cameras regardless of “megapixels” and they just updated the hell out of it with some seriously impressive features. These days who doesn’t use their phone as a main camera now for everyday stuff?

“The best camera is the one you have with you” Chase Jarvis

iOS 7 a HUGE overhaul. Did it copy ideas from Android? Damn straight! But before you get your panties in a bunch didn’t Android have to copy ideas from iOS to begin? And I give both companies props for continuing the forward momentum. Siri while may be fun to bag on, if it is what they say it is, is a HUGE advancement in Voice operation. I actually hope the two companies continue to push each other feature wise, so the user gets the rewards in the end.

[bimg=fleft|300]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZNouMoT-aP8/TpHlxhnQ00I/AAAAAAAABFM/PT5AQ_0y01Y/s320/GoogleSearch.png[/bimg]I have a PC a Macbook Pro, and Ipad 2 and the iPhone 5S because I decided I was tired of screaming at my OS when it would just do stupid shit, like drain my battery in less than 5 minutes after a full charge, or lag in apps especially when texting, and I realized the widgets, such as the google search bar, while cool just took up space on the screen and drained battery life.

I like knowing I will always have the most up to date OS, my phone will retain value, and I can upgrade every year instead of every month to keep up.

Which brings me to my final statement

“Standing in line” aka Brand Loyalty

[bimg=fleft|400]http://iphonewhatever.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/donotcross-300x300.jpg[/bimg]For the release of the “small update” iPhone 5S, there were already 2 people standing in line at the 5th avenue Apple Store in NYC for 15 days, they began camping out 2 weeks before the launch of the phone to secure their spot as FIRST to get their new device!

Disney capitalized on this well, they know they have good rides, so they setup lines that people don’t want to stand in, but will to go on a crazy adventure that lets them forget about the line in the first place.

I took a trip down there to see if they were crazy, but to my surprise they were normal every day people with jobs, who just wanted to experience the phenomenon of an Apple Launch event as first.

This desire to stand in line and be first is something that is important to the iPhone’s reputation; they feel having the phone first is tangible rather than fleeting. And in a world of txts and emails and lack of social interaction, yet filled with it, feeling a connection with your device, as strange as it sounds is important. You will use it every day, so you better like it.

The brand name association with Android is diminishing even more with each phone released as the companies who make them are having a power struggle to have the best phone. With Android you have Motorola who came into the picture as the front runner with the original Droid, but quietly from the darkness emerged a little company called HTC who overlaid their own UI on the Android device and quickly overtook Motorola, now it seems Samsung has taken the gold, but when I, the consumer, go to the store, I am doing the opposite of what I should when shopping for a new Android phone; I am looking at specs of the all the different “brands” of Androids. Checking their specs and listening to the reps telling me which has 1080p or not, when in the end it is about the user experience, if the 1080p looks like shit with 9827 megapixels then why did I choose it over the other brand? I like choice, but I don’t want the choice to be a sacrifice, 1080p for lack of an awesome UI by HTC, Shitty mic but great camera on samsung, great battery on moto but not much else... The iPhone makes sure all features work and are at the top of their game. Shit their specs this time around even trump the current phones on the market other than expandable storage and extra batteries.

My problem is Apple stepped up and made an eco system, Google sticks to their "open source" nature in theory but doesn't execute it in a way that allows the user experience to be united. Manufacturers can turn such a profit on Android devices that they often just try to blow you out of the water with specs. Google really needs to jump in and say, NO you CANNOT have a device that runs the older OS you need to make it so all phones run the latest and greatest version of Android, because some of the shit they churn out is gold. Sadly 40% of users can use it, and 70% of users buy last gen or used smartphones these days.

Conclusion: Word of mouth is the best AD campaign anyone can ask for. With the iPhone you know what to tell your friends, with Android, you are still not quite sure what it is or which phone to suggest to them, because your phone is a month old and the newest Android might be coming out next week, and trying to explain to someone that if they wait a month they might get the latest software upgrade, is like telling a 3 year old he might be able to watch TV if he eats his vegetables.

So I feel with the offering of an affordable iPhone 5C with damn good specs still, due to a polished OS with iOS7, and the much faster iPhone 5S, Apple is the winner. Not because I am a fanboy but because it just makes more sense to get the device that doesn’t give me buyers remorse a month later and with new features like BBM type services and uniformed apps over the platform I will want my friends to have it too. It has a community feel and congruence therefore I am more likely to suggest it to my friends so I can interact with them on the device.

Call me a sheeple, at least I enjoy my phone.

P.S. That is the key, enjoy your device. It is about what OS works for you these days, not the brand of your phone. For me the iPhone just offers the hardware and software polish and finesse I need.
I like how android "copies" apple and they get sued. Apple copies android and we call it moving the technology along together.

I have a complete hatred for anything apple. I like to read reviews comparing the two objectively though especially since most articles are written by complete fan boys who drank too much apple juice (aka cool aid). Having used a note2 since they first came out I can't go back. I hold my wife's iphone and think...how can you use this thing the screen is so small. Like you said, it's all about preference and what the user thinks is important.
Below is the arc of the thumb when holding a phone.
Because the thumb of an 2 year old is as big as one of a Basketballer...

Other than that, wholeheartedly agree! Unless it´s about my PC... I will not get a Mac :x
Because the thumb of an 2 year old is as big as one of a Basketballer...

Why would a 2 year old be using such an expensive device at all, much less with 1 hand? And why would you design a device that was easy for .01% of the population to use? If the screen is accessible for small to average hands, larger than average hands will also be accommodated, but it doesn't work the other way.

I want both iOS and Android devices to do well because competition is great for the consumer and keeps companies from getting lazy. When one company completely dominates a market, like Google with search engines or Facebook with social sites, they get prideful, complacent and do stupid stuff. So I root for Bing, Google+, and Android, even though I don't use them. If nothing else, they will motivate my Apple and Google to be better.

I think this is one of the better comparison reviews I've read. I think it makes good points about both phones without getting preachy about one over the other, yet not afraid to come to a conclusion.
I have a complete hatred for anything apple. I like to read reviews comparing the two objectively though especially since most articles are written by complete fan boys who drank too much apple juice (aka cool aid).

There is this amazing thing about Apple that you have shown here. Brand Hatred. It is funny because when I go to research the newer apple devices before purchasing I see the comments that are obviously much worse than this. A Brand that can bring in this many of it's competitors and have them actually respond is mind blowing. I don't know the psychological reasons that people that use their Android phones feel the need to look at the iPhone so much. Maybe it is a want for the iPhone to BE what they have in Android and more and eventually when they feel it fits that standard they will get one, but either way, it is an amazing feat Apple has pulled off to not only attract apple users but the competition to come and look, every single time. I am sure there is some Freudian shit attached to it :) The really fun part is once you go to Apple, you don't really look at competitor brands of phones as much anymore and the comments are usually not filled with Apple users. You can also equate that to the iPhone as more of an everymans phone(with money) and once it is bought there is really no interest in going to a geeky site about tech and specs, or maybe it is the fact that the iPhone has a very self sufficient ecosystem, sheltering it's users from needing to browse the internet for answers.

I want both iOS and Android devices to do well because competition is great for the consumer and keeps companies from getting lazy.

I agree. I have a lot of faith in Jony Ive with Steve Jobs gone. But let's be honest Steve was one of a kind. He was an asshole, a genius, and haunted by his own brilliance. I am not just talking phones, I am talking his ability to look past the current technology and think years beyond it. The first iPhone and the iPod were examples of innovation and user experience over sales. Even the Macintosh. I believe his attitude toward microsoft and android make sense, since both times he felt it was stolen from him. So I think Apple fans have a tendency to kinda keep his legacy alive by fighting that battle for him. I hope Jony Ive and the team currently can keep the company on track, but I have my reservations. We shall see. But so far, regardless of the easter colors many have bashed I really like where Ive brought iOS7 and the iPhone 6 will really be a very important milestone for Apple without Jobs.
I think my hatred for apple started when I was focred to use a mac back in the day because that's all that schools used. Now you never find them there. It continued throughout life and has gotten worse in the last 5 years as people constantly become blindly faithful in their products. Few people when asked have a legit reason to buy apple other than they are trying to act cool. It's more of a status symbol than anything now, there are definite advantages and disadvantages to Apple I just find most people don't even know what they are
I think my hatred for apple started when I was focred to use a mac back in the day because that's all that schools used. Now you never find them there. It continued throughout life and has gotten worse in the last 5 years as people constantly become blindly faithful in their products. Few people when asked have a legit reason to buy apple other than they are trying to act cool. It's more of a status symbol than anything now, there are definite advantages and disadvantages to Apple I just find most people don't even know what they are

I think this applies to android and apple together. As well as many other things in our lives. But to say a phone shouldn't be a piece of your fashion or a status symbol would be nieve.

For something we use more than a toilet and while in a toilet it is basically an extension of who we are.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Few people when asked have a legit reason to buy apple other than they are trying to act cool.

I've used an iphone for about 5 years now. I just enjoy the fact that it works, and everything you put on it will work. Plus, even stuff I bought 5 years ago when I first bought it app wise, I still have access to today. It feels a bit like I've earned kind of a "legacy" status, especially when mixed with my unlimited data that I've held for so long.

That being said, I don't give a fuck that it's apple. I buy the phone because I like the style and it continues to expand and fit my needs. I own nothing else apple because they don't fit what I need.[DOUBLEPOST=1380208456,1380208399][/DOUBLEPOST]
For something we use more than a toilet and while in a toilet it is basically an extension of who we are.
How often are you INSIDE a toilet?!?! On a toilet I get, but INSIDE a toilet?!
There is this amazing thing about Apple that you have shown here. Brand Hatred. It is funny because when I go to research the newer apple devices before purchasing I see the comments that are obviously much worse than this

I always find it funny when they bring up the argument how the people who produce the iPhone have shitty working conditions and you shouldn´t support apple. It´s the same with any other Brand. They all have their corpses.
I've used an iphone for about 5 years now. I just enjoy the fact that it works, and everything you put on it will work. Plus, even stuff I bought 5 years ago when I first bought it app wise, I still have access to today. It feels a bit like I've earned kind of a "legacy" status, especially when mixed with my unlimited data that I've held for so long.

That being said, I don't give a fuck that it's apple. I buy the phone because I like the style and it continues to expand and fit my needs. I own nothing else apple because they don't fit what I need.[DOUBLEPOST=1380208456,1380208399][/DOUBLEPOST]
How often are you INSIDE a toilet?!?! On a toilet I get, but INSIDE a toilet?!

Autocorrect, DAMN YOU APPLE!!!
Few people when asked have a legit reason to buy apple other than they are trying to act cool.

The only reason I have an iPad and Apple TV is that my work gave away iPads and iPhones to employees for Christmas, otherwise I don't think I would own a tablet at all. Once I had the iPad, though, it made sense to buy products that integrate well with it, such as Apple TV rather than Roku, which is what I was leaning towards before I received the gift. I've toyed with the idea of also getting a Mac, but I really like PCs running Windows 7, plus the price of a good PC is less than a Mac.

Anyway, my brand was chosen for me. If my work had given us all Nexus tablets, I'm sure I'd be fine with Android.
The only reason I have an iPad and Apple TV is that my work gave away iPads and iPhones to employees for Christmas, otherwise I don't think I would own a tablet at all. Once I had the iPad, though, it made sense to buy products that integrate well with it, such as Apple TV rather than Roku, which is what I was leaning towards before I received the gift. I've toyed with the idea of also getting a Mac, but I really like PCs running Windows 7, plus the price of a good PC is less than a Mac.

Anyway, my brand was chosen for me. If my work had given us all Nexus tablets, I'm sure I'd be fine with Android.

This is also a huge advantage of Apple, everything works pretty well together.

Unless you want to use a time capsule in LAN- only mode.
and lets talk about the ease of use with one hand while say… DRIVING??!!…

First of all; illegal. Secondly, for people with big ass hands like myself this is not an issue. Thirdly, *if* I wanted to look at the screen while driving I would like it to be large and easy to navigate at glance to limit the time I'm looking at it. Finally, I want a big screen for all the times I'm *not* driving (which is the majority of the time).

they ran fast and without hiccup, but within a month of owning both devices I looked on the web and realized there was a “faster/better” phone already out, so I started to get disheartened

Really? You're handed an amazing piece of technology that does everything you need it to and makes you happy and your complaint is that two months in the *only* thing wrong with it is that it's not the newest? Besides that, how does getting an Apple phone make you immune from this problem? If the newest, best phone is an Android you're still stuck with an old, outdated model. Unless your complaint is that it's not the newest within a particular brand, which is 1) silly and 2) wrong because EVERY ANDROID DEVICE IS NOT THE SAME BRAND. I've had the Galaxy Nexus for almost 2 years now and Google still hasn't even announced the next iteration of it. There has been like a bajillion other phones running the Android operating system out since then but the OS isn't what makes the brand.

Then I would find out that my operating system was old and my phone wouldn’t get updated.

Since the very first Droid I owned my old operating systems always got updated, maybe not all of the phones running the Android OS were but this is not an accurate blanket statement for these phones.

Let’s talk Droid AD campaign for a second as well
Let's not, I'm buying a phone not an advertisement.

So we are not really selling to the females of the world, and then I have had a strange observation: any girl I have known that owned or owns a “Droid” has either broken it over 3 times and eventually gets an iPhone or just doesn’t dig deep enough into their Android phone’s settings and features to get the full potential of their phone to work.

Limited sample; I know a bunch of girls that have had no problem utilizing Android phones. Also, this argument is sexist; the "female world" requires a simpler operating system because they can't handle the more complex ones?

iOS may not have widgets but what they do have mitigates the battery to A, last longer, and B, charge faster.

The comparison chart *you* posted shows Android devices heavily outclassing Apply phones in battery life in both the standby and talking categories; for a lot of people that's what's important. I actually don't know about the app utilization so you might be right there, but every Android phone I've used has still had more than enough battery life for what I needed.

The real elephant in the room here is the APPs

The available app stores are increasingly becoming the deciding factor in phone selection as technology balances out, but this is not a good indicator of which OS is "better" as different people have different priorities in their apps that will pull them in different directions. There is literally one app that is *currently* exclusively on the iOS that I wish I had access to, and it's just a chess clock. There are simultaneously numerous apps I utilize that are not available on Apple, and the app I use most often is available on both but runs significantly better on Android. The choice there is obvious for me, but it will be different for other people.

Accessories: Because with the iPhone there is just ONE design every two years, it has the most amazing offerings of cases, chargers, and accessories

I don't confuse aesthetics with functionality and convenience. Show me a phone that looks *so bad* that I would overlook it's technology and then we'll talk.

So the iPhone 4S, has been dubbed a disappointment, but the sales are clear so far: it is a success.

So was the Phantom Menace. Meesa not buying it.

These days who doesn’t use their phone as a main camera now for everyday stuff?

Phone camera technology surpassed my requisite needs long ago. It's not make or break for me and Apple doesn't have a monopoly on the best cameras anyway. If you need a high quality camera, buy a high quality *camera*.

I like knowing I will always have the most up to date OS, my phone will retain value, and I can upgrade every year instead of every month to keep up.

You're in a very small niche there. Most people can't afford to buy a new phone every year and learn to live with what they can get till their next upgrade (since over the course of a single year technology has not usually advanced all that far, relatively speaking). For those of us who do wait two years for a new phone (we're so brave) it's nice to know that within a month or two of whenever your upgrade is there's probably going to be an interesting new phone out so we can start with something shiny and new if the mood strikes us.

“Standing in line” aka Brand Loyalty

Really? The phone is better because people stand in line for it? "Brand Loyalty" is why people shell out an extra $50 on pants to have specific logo sewed onto the ass of their jeans. I'm not going to rag on people for standing in line for their phones, if it makes them happy kudos to them, but hype doesn't increase actual value. Look at any economic bubble and that will be brutally clear.

feeling a connection with your device, as strange as it sounds is important. You will use it every day, so you better like it.

I can do this without standing in line. My patience does not diminish my satisfaction.

The brand name association with Android is diminishing even more with each phone released as the companies who make them are having a power struggle to have the best phone.

It's called the free market you commie.

The runner-up response to this comment was; "Monopolies are bad, mkay."

Word of mouth is the best AD campaign anyone can ask for.

To date, I have never purchased anything as a result of an advertisement, professional or otherwise. I might find out about something from one but I ultimately do my own research and come to my own decisions. Given that when I go to a phone store every available model is there for me to see, I generally don't need any advertisement at all when it comes to phones.

Call me a sheeple, at least I enjoy my phone.

First of all, I take offense to the implication that other people don't enjoy theirs. Secondly, buying an iPhone doesn't make you a sheeple. Buying an iPhone and beating everyone else over the head about why its better than theirs because of its popularity does.

P.S. That is the key, enjoy your device. It is about what OS works for you these days, not the brand of your phone. For me the iPhone just offers the hardware and software polish and finesse I need.

Then why post this huge "Apple is awesome, Android is overrated" threads? If you're truly happy with your choice in phone why do you feel you need to justify it to everyone else?

If you're truly happy with your choice in phone why do you feel you need to justify it to everyone else?


Why did homer write books if he was already enjoying them in his imagination?

And if it is just a damn phone why did you feel the need to make baseless arguments against my baseless arguments?

Also I expect better from you! You usually have good reasoning behind your logic. But this one you just kinda went "CAUSE IT IS!" Poor bry bry.

And because I have to because you get so heated about anyone praising apple: u mad bro?

On a serious not the OS makes the phone just as much as the phone makes the phone. Not all androids get the same treatment. It matters due to Eco system and purchased apps. Yes I want the newest within my Eco system. No I hate buying something and learning it is outdated 2 months later. Shit the GOPRO"+" came out today and that made me happy I didn't pull the trigger on the GOPRO.

Anyway, I recommend enjoying your phone. Your OS. And I will enjoy mine :p but I know you will still secretly cringe at the idea that I still believe your phone and os combination to be sub par to my needs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Doesn´t this whole thread boil down to the answer to the question: I have no idea about phones, which one should I get?

Because in this case I will always recommend an iPhone over an Android phone. Why? Because I will know that the person will be able to use it.
Why did homer write books if he was already enjoying them in his imagination?

Homer wasn't posting his books to the "Rants" section of an internet forum.

And if it is just a damn phone why did you feel the need to make baseless arguments against my baseless arguments?

I made no baseless arguments, I attempted to counter yours to show that one phone was not so easily placed above another. I'm not arguing against the iPhone I'm arguing against these repeated threads about the iPhone.

Also I expect better from you! You usually have good reasoning behind your logic. But this one you just kinda went "CAUSE IT IS!" Poor bry bry.

That's all you get when I have to leave for work and am commenting on an issue that is of so little importance to me. *crabs*

And because I have to because you get so heated about anyone praising apple: u mad bro?


No I hate buying something and learning it is outdated 2 months later.

This will never make sense to me. You are simultaneously wanting something newer/better and complaining about the pace of technological advancement being too fast.

but I know you will still secretly cringe at the idea that I still believe your phone and os combination to be sub par to my needs.

You couldn't possibly imagine how little I care about other people's opinion of my phone.
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