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Fraudulent Thoughts's Application

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Jeancarlo (JC)

Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?
Nope, not at the moment but would love to get to know your cast of characters, pun intended.

Main Character
Fraudulent Thoughts

Character Name
Fraudulent Thoughts

Asura (So arrogant but yet so cool)


What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
I did little to no PvP during GW1 because i was never in a big enough guild to do so. I did a lot of PvE and participated in a lot of those "Radio Station" events during my stint in GW1. Loved helping the community out in any way i could.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
I started playing D1 which i guess isn't really considered an MMO but it was my first try at online gaming. After that I jumped to D2 + Expansion. First MMO i played was Guild Wars during the open betas and never looked back. Until my account got hacked by a botter about a year and a half ago. I've played all three betas of GW2 and love every second.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
I was part of two small guilds which was mostly a close-nit group of people who helped each other out in any way we could, especially when titles became available during GW1. It was great we knew each other very well. During the betas i haven't really played with any of my old guild mates because they have been really busy. I was all alone in the big bad world of GW2, kinda scary actually... *hears sound*... WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!

How did you hear about the Guild?
I was searching GW2 on youtube after the last beta was over and started viewing random GW2 videos which lead into the weird part of youtube (i hate when that happeneds), then ran into the video of the 50 Charrs Jumping off the diving board in LA. The started viewing the video blogs on your channel, one thing lead to another and boom i figured i would give it a try and apply. You guys look like you have a lot of fun which is the one thing i love about playing an MMO.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
A bit chatty sometimes a little to much. Skills well, i tried all the classes during the betas and i think that the elementalist are the most well rounded in my opinion. They are great at starting combos with other classes and finishing. Great array of skills to use for any situation really. Funny, no i don't consider myself funny at all but the voices in my head say I'm hilarious. Helping out in anyway i can is my top priority but as i don't know about Me or Me.

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
Yes, i am a loyal dog... for the most part... only if you look at my the wrong way... at that point i'll just look away, cover my eyes or turn off the lights...

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
You guys (and gals) look like you have a lot of fun while keeping a positive attitude at the same time. Looks like a close community of players which is a plus in my opinion for any guild really. If you have read my ramblings this far i hope you at least consider my application to join your guild.

-Fraudulent Thoughts (JC)
I am neither here nor there. Will let the others decide if you get put on holding for the release.
fair enough, if i don't get in is no big deal love the website either way. maybe after release we could just play in the same group if not on the same guild. also looking forward to more videos, will still hang out on the website for sure great group of people here.
He's been active in the chat and seems like a decent guy. I say put him on hold until release and as long as he stays active we can try to find a spot :)
I am sorry to say we have decided to deny your application. We appreciate your participation in our community and encourage you to stick around.
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