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Greetings from sunny Florida


New member
Hi I'm Tony, I'm 35 and live in Pensacola FL. I am a Software Engineer working with Computerized Radiography for Non Destructive Testing. I basically do photoshop for Xrays.

Anyways looking forward to getting to know everyone. I'm usually on Mumble. I've already had the pleasure of grouping and talking with a few members. Gyoin (sorry for butchering your name), Guppix, and Subtle to name a few.

See you in game.
Gyoin (sorry for butchering your name)

Everyone does the first time. I truly take offense when it continues for multiple days (TYPHOR).

But welcome! :) Someone should be able to toss you an invite when you're ready to be invited.
Just call him bruce :p also hello and welcome


But seriously, everyone just ends up calling me Bruce. I should just stop even trying to make Gyoin a thing after 15-ish years using it.
Thanks for the welcomes.

15 years is a long time trying to get a name to stick.

I seem to always switch names every few years.

In WoW and LOTRO it was Falston. Then I got Rhidic from the Rhohherim in LOTRO and of course the movies.
I did, and on the second time I started calling him Bruce.

Also stupid me, picking a swabian (part of Bavaria, which is part of Germany) name. Nobody is able to pronounce it. Not even Germans.
More like swabbie-an.... ye swabbie! ... thats pirate humor. I pointed it out so you dont go wtf.
Its actually pronounced something like "oh hai lay" if i remember correctly
But seriously, everyone just ends up calling me Bruce. I should just stop even trying to make Gyoin a thing after 15-ish years using it.

I use both. probably Gyoin more when in game or here on the forums.
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