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Jeffrey Smith

New member
YO, my name is Jeff, I live in Winter Haven, Florida. Going to Florida Polytechnic in the fall for Cyber Security, Im'm Male and 18.... dat ripe age..... lol. Currently in the same boat as ryyuna. Playing Wildstar, but in a guild that is falling apart. Looking for a friendly Community to chill and game with. Lvl 50. warrior working on attunement for raids. Expert armorer/weaponsmith but only epochos stuff for now! Looking forward to meeting some of you!

********BTW MY IGN: GucciHoneyBuns hence #guccihoneybuns *******
Expert armorer/weaponsmith

Oooooh, how far into weapon research are you?!? I'm also armor and just spamming the daily for research tokens now that I have full epochos learned.

But welcome! You and Ryyuna should hop on mumble and get to know people, more of us will be on closer to prime time.
Oooooh, how far into weapon research are you?!? I'm also armor and just spamming the daily for research tokens now that I have full epochos learned.

But welcome! You and Ryyuna should hop on mumble and get to know people, more of us will be on closer to prime time.

Not too far havent really done crafting much since cap.... :'( havent had the cash its all been going to repairs and dying my gear.... i know 3p is ridiculous for gear but you gotta look good ya know! lol Also fully runed..... that took some cash too
He also wants to run silver dungeons so it could be us 3 and then all we need is 2 others.

Woo! I got my stalker friend finishing up his adventures attunement hopefully today. I have a 3 days weekend so I'll be on a lot looking for primarily dungeon runs to get the rhythm down and start really aiming for silvers.
Woo! I got my stalker friend finishing up his adventures attunement hopefully today. I have a 3 days weekend so I'll be on a lot looking for primarily dungeon runs to get the rhythm down and start really aiming for silvers.

I preety much know silver stl and skull missed stl by 2 minutes last time and skull by 5....
I preety much know silver stl and skull missed stl by 2 minutes last time and skull by 5....

I'm actually behind the curve a little on the attunements, been running so many extra adventures to get people up to this step so we can do it as a guild. Luckily, we're right at that point now! So we'll gladly be running all of these over the next while for attunements/gear.
Welcome! I'm a step away from completing my rep grind finally so I'll be down to attune soon!
Gucci! This is awesome that a couple people from Stardust are moving over. Totally know what your talking about, and trust me you've found an awesome community to hang with!
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