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GW2 GW2 Poster I made for my classroom


New member
I love gaming, and I've found that games are an excellent way to reach out to students who normally wouldn't connect with me or other students. Especially since many students have a negative view of math, I try and make my class as fun as possible. I had a small Skyrim print out poster in my room last year, and it was the only thing that brought one certain student out of his shell; it was a great ice-breaker for a shy student. I hope these are able to do the same kind of thing.

Bonus Portal Posters:

Haha those are great! I think it definitely helps to relate to your students. I HATED math but my favorite teacher ever was my math teacher in my senior year, it made it more bearable.
Wow, they're great.
If I had you as my teacher, I have no doubt my outlook on math would be quite different *ponysmile:
Haha those are great! I think it definitely helps to relate to your students. I HATED math but my favorite teacher ever was my math teacher in my senior year, it made it more bearable.
That's exactly what I'm going for. I know many students hate or struggle with math. The least I can do is make my class a little fun and relatable.
I feel out of the loop on this one.... I loved math growing up.... /coughaccountantcough
I loved math too lol.

But the fact that my calc teacher was really funny probably helped.

But those are awesome.
I only like algebra. So much so that I never took pre calc or the other weird maths, just algerba all the way through college algebra haha.
I was all about the math type classes. I hated the english type ones. The reason was that math always had a right answer. You could half bullshit your way through the english type classes. Math was about tests to see if you knew the material. English was about doing homework and jumping through hoops to prove you got it. Screw that. If I know it let me prove it and dont make me do extra work just cause you have no way to test me on it.
I was all about the math type classes. I hated the english type ones. The reason was that math always had a right answer. You could half bullshit your way through the english type classes. Math was about tests to see if you knew the material. English was about doing homework and jumping through hoops to prove you got it. Screw that. If I know it let me prove it and dont make me do extra work just cause you have no way to test me on it.
Another statement that further proves why me and T1G have similar thought processes. lol
All I need is a lush beard. It's funny actually, when I came in and started reading the forums and watching the podcasts I was like, crap they already have one of me in the guild.
I would have loved it if my teacher was a gamer, math was one subject I disliked pretty bad...teachers were always so stuffy too. :/
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