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GW2 Had to stop reading the GW forums.


Staff member
I had to stop reading any of the GW forums either arena net or fan made.

Since this last Beta Weekend, the community has gotten mean and demanding and entitled.

I guess that is one downside to the game becoming popular.

But the thing I enjoy about this game is how it caters to being friendly and enjoying/exploring the world with good friends.

Me and Zakis quested for a good 5 hours together and not once were we mad at each other we just kept being amazed at finding new stuff, although my hour long attempt at a tunnel quest MIGHT have gotten him a little tired haha, but then when we got GOLD for it later he was happy!
Yeah, I feel like I'm continually posting the benefits, trying to curve peoples opinions into a positive sense instead of focusing on the negative. Hopefully the Debbie Downers will just quit and leave it for the people that truly experience the game. Sadly that means a slightly less profitable game for Anet, but it would but a much, MUCH stronger community.
I totally agree with you. I enjoyed the game when I played on Friday, but when I was questing with you guys in a group, even though I was lower level than I should have been for some of the content, the game's enjoyment level was much higher. I only got to level ~20 and I never once felt like I needed to level faster or higher. I was just enjoying running around the world with a group of people laughing about all the crazy shit going on and being amazed at the world around us.

Also, not once during the beta did I feel that demanding or unfriendly nature. It is unfortunate that that has arisen on the forums and in the community now. There were many times during the beta that I revived or was revived by complete strangers. I also received help with my quests or helped others while I was questing alone. I love how there is no downside to stopping what your are doing to get side tracked. Be it helping others or exploring this random thing that just caught your eye. *Ohhh a shiny!*

I intentionally did not pay attention to any personal story content as I want that to be new to me on release. And, I really look forward to walking through my own as well as other's stories during live.
I'm also seeing a lot of instances that really just warrant a LEARN 2 PLAY and this is coming from a guy that hates that phrase, and hates being negative towards other people in the community. Honestly though while there are some valid ideas and responses about gameplay on various forums, there is a lot of 'melee fails', or 'I die too much', or 'Heals aren't powerful enough'. I dont think the mindless sheeple masses understand that you CANT stand there and spam 1 key at a giant boss and checkout with your loot. There is a lack of trinity and a DODGE maneuver for a reason. There are various stuns/immobilization/conditions/boons for every profession for a reason.

I can only read the Guru and official forums in short sittings because it makes me want to throw my monitor out a fucking window. The main reason this gets me so annoyed is the usual path this takes is xyz game company dumbs the game down in response. I want the game to do well, but assholes be damned if they cant figure it out. Survival of the fittest imo. So far everything I hear about ArenaNet sounds good, including some responses to these types of posts on the official forums. I just hope they stick to their guns.
I personally love the "You either spec this way or you fail" comments. The game has been out for how long? OH YEAH IT HASN'T... and even if it had, your spec works if you like it. And your team works if you balance with them. Not ONE SPEC one MAKEUP lol
There's also a lot of people begging for mounts, asking for tiered major traits, faster weapon skill learning (lawl), and OMG GIMME THE MOST POWERFUL ABILITY EVER THAT I CREATED IN MY HEAD SO I CAN BE SO OP AND CRUSH NOOOOOBS
Honestly we just need the game, so I can stop trying to get my fix browsing the forums. Eh I suppose it will be better when D3 is here.
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