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I have always loved the simplicity, yet depth, of Haiku. I was cleaning up my PC and came across a few old ones that I had written and thought I would share:


snow falls on the ground
shiny white stuff, but no sound
unless your boots crunch

playing games all night
entertains me, but I tire
and hope to sleep some


i am feeling strange
like my life is near and end
but i hope it's not


thinking of you now,
wanting you in my embrace,
together always

think before you speak,
it is best before a fight.
don't go to bed mad.


Love, like life, soon fades
Set free deep in September
No regrets my friends
Saw this on the interwebs somewhere and its been my favorite ever since.

Haikus are awesome
But sometimes they don't make sense
I was fortunate enough to attend the International Haiku Conference and Festival back in 2008, which coincidentally came to the remote area of New York that I was living in at the time. It was so beautiful, inspiring, amazing, hilarious, etc. to experience talented poets, writers, and artists from around the globe who are genius with this art form.

One of my favorites was John Sexton, from Ireland. He was very funny, but had some lovely Haiku.
Here are a few of his works:

Haiku~ John W. Sexton

singing until only
the distance can hear him
the skylark

a pebble sinking through
the snowman's face

colourless, my ginger
cat approaches the hedge---
cold night

autumn dawn
a sound apple
in the long grass

four ducks a straight line of sky

And in case you're wondering about the break from 5-7-5, here is an article that explains the misconceptions of Haiku: http://voices.yahoo.com/haiku-myth-5-7-5-9135773.html
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