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Hearthstone: Heroic Anub'Rekhan


The first wing of Naxx launched this week (7/22), and the Heroic bosses have proven to be quite a challenge! As a quick disclaimer, there's always more than one way to skin a cat, but here are my thoughts on Anubrekhan and how I defeated her. I've tried this deck a few times with only about a 50% win rate, so I'm entirely happy with it, but it worked!

My Deck:


What to expect from Anub'rekhan:

For two mana, Anub summons a 4/4 minion. His deck is comprised of a few Deathchargers (2/3 charge), Mortal Coils, Frostbolts, Shadowbolts, Shades of Naxx (stealth and +1/+1 each turn), Aboms, Haunted Spiders, Weblords (minions with battlecry cost 2 more), Nerubian Eggs, a 5/5 that returns a friendly minion to his had & Stoneskin Gargoyles.

Basic Strat:
In my opinion, the plan for all of the Heroic bosses should be to initially survive long enough so that the boss is top decking. With their 45 health, the board does not become predictably manageable until then. Really difficult to get Abun to topdeck. He'll play that hero power every turn.

Mage Strat:

Mulligan for Ice Barriers and Mirror Images to stall. The meat of the deck comes from the Blizzards and Flamestrikes, and it can be challenging to survive up until then. Blew polys, fireballs, frostbolts and pretty much everything I had to try and keep the 4/4s in check. Rarely have any luck, and even when I win it's by a marginal amount. I don't really know what to say about this guy. He's more challenging than Maexxna for me.

I hope this info helps some. Would love to see a better deck.
How did you know I just lost to him? Had him dead to rights with Warlock Zoo and he pulls his 7 mana 3 dmg to all minions + 3 health card. Wipes me out and then fills his entire side of his board on the next turn.
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