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Hearthstone: Heroic Four Horsemen


Disclaimer: I don't think is the only to beat the Horseman, nor the best way. This is just how I did it. Please post if you've had better luck with a different deck!




The Horseman's hero power will draw two cards for him for 5 mana.

Dude starts out with 3 2/7 on the table, but otherwise just had a handful of 2/3 weapons, a tons of paladin secret, and a shitload of spells. Plan on ANY mob you put out to die that turn.


I can't believe this worked, tbh. That almost sounds like an Upworthy title...

The plan was to do absolutely nothing until turn 4, except maybe heal myself with Witch Doctor and/or Farseer (Shadowstep would be for addt'l heals). The downside to playing one of these cards early would be if he used the center mob to attack and my minion. It's unlikely considering the number of spells in his hand, but it would totally screw up the plan...

I mulligan'd hard for Crazy Alchemist, Backstab, and Betrayal. Turn 4 was the moment of opportunity.
  1. (2 mana) Crazy Alchemist on the center mob making it a 7/2
  2. (2 mana) Betrayal on the center mob to have it kill both 2/7 minions on either side of it
  3. (0 mana) Backstabbed the 7/2 to kill it.
I used eviscerates, weapons, poisons, etc. from there on out. He only has 14 health once they're down. Archer, shiv, and SI:7 in case the secret that respawns the minion with 1 health is active. Or just stab it in the face if you have the health.

Granted, it took me about 6 attempts until I had all three cards in my hand by turn 4. I did get lucky the second time I tried it and received the cards, but he had the secret that buffed a Horseman when one of the others died. Meant that Backstab couldn't kill it and it became an 11/4 or something like that. Shitty. But it worked out eventually, and now I'm ready for next week!
I was using a variation of this but never could get the starting hand right. You can't draw the 3 cards you need because if you don't have them by turn 4 he wins.
Ya, it's definitely a crap shoot. I tried to go in with a 10 card deck but learned that didn't work. Also just tried Paladin with Equality and Kel nullified the spell, lol. Can u link the deck you used?
I wasn't able to do it with the same rogue deck I used on normal. I went with a silence/heal deck for heroic. After many tries I realized I should record it actually happening so here ya go. The deck is listed below it.

Well played! Nice draw with the 2 SW:p early on, and I hadn't thought to try silences. Much more reliable deck than that rogue deck!
The rogue deck required you to have every card you needed by turn 4 and then a little RNG luck that he didn't restore one of them to 1 HP or worse buff the remaining horseman with a +3/+2. I tried multiple times using the rouge deck and was able to the 3 horsemen defeated on a few occasions. His weapon would then just rape me because it was buffed to +8.

With the priest deck I was able to mitigate a lot of the damage early on through heals and SW:p. Pulling both of those SW:p early made it a lot easier because I could sit and wait a lot longer for the cards that I needed to be drawn. I used so many silences because he ends up buffing his minions after the initial silence so it helped to bring their attack back down to 2.
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