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Hearthstone: Heroic Grand Widow Faerlina


The first wing of Naxx launched this week (7/22), and the Heroic bosses have proven to be quite a challenge! As a quick disclaimer, there's always more than one way to skin a cat, but here are my thoughts on Grand Widow and how I defeated her.

My Naxx Infused Ghetto Ramp Druid Deck:


Decks I tried that didn't work:
  • Control Mage - My control deck has a LOT of 4 mana cards. She nuked me every turn with her hero power and I couldn't get rid of my cards fast enough to reduce that damage.
  • Aggro Paladin - I got really close a couple times, but no dice.
What to expect from Grand Widow:

Her Hero Power costs 1 Mana and functions like Arcane Missiles. It will randomly fire 1 dmg missiles equal to the number of cards in your hand. And with it's low mana cost, she will always hero power for turn one, so you will effectively start with 26 health due to the 4 cards in hand. Other decks with 0 & 1 mana cards can reduce this, but also run the risk of having those cards killed on her next turn.

Her Worshipper cards are a doozy - 3 mana summons a 2/4 that grants her +3 attack. She has several of these in her deck, and the attack buff stacks with the number of Worshipper out.

Basic Strat:
In my opinion, the plan for all of the Heroic bosses should be to initially survive long enough so that the boss is top decking. With their 45 health, the board does not become predictably manageable until then.

One caveat to Faerlina's hero power and overall deck is that she cannot do a lot of damage at one time - unless she had several unsilenced/active Worshippers out. As such, having higher heath cards OR playing low mana minions and keeping your hand mostly empty can help.

Deck Strat:

Mulligan for Innervates, Wild Growths, and Swipe. Nerubian egg is an option as well, because when played early she will not Hero Power.

Save Swipe, or maybe a Starfire if you want to switch it out, Ironbeak and Keepers for Worshippers. Like a true "leader", she's nothing without her followers. She has a few other cards that buff when Deathrattle cards are played, and another that 5/6 that kills the minions next to it when it dies. This card usually works in YOUR favor with this deck, especially if you can have it take out a Worshipper.

When given the option between a druid card with an offensive or defensive choice, roll with the defensive option. +Taunt and Health help a ton here.

Throwing a taunt up on the Maexxna legendary you earned is a guaranteed win.

1st game ended with me @ 7 health.
2nd game, I lost.
3rd game ended with me @ 21 health.

I hope this helps!
He'll be putting up a strategy guide, hes just busy typing it. (My assumption)
I beat her first try on Heroic. Used the Warlock zoo deck and got pretty lucky with the draw so I didn't have many cards in my hand each turn. I can't tell if her hero ability is targeted or random but it seemed pretty specifically targeted when I was playing her. Here is a listing of my deck.

First try! Took me quite a few until I tried my budget ramp druid... At least that one was the first shot, haha.
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