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Hearthstone: Heroic Patchwerk


Finally got around to the heroics this morning. I'm loving the variety in these boss fights.

More than one way to skin a cat - I don't think my way is the best or only to do it - It's just how I did it - Etc.

My Deck:


What to Expect:
Patchwerk is equipped with a 4/8 wind fury weapon that will return to deck once all charges are expended. He can then resummon the card for 3 mana. His hero power costs and will destroy any one minion (bubbles or not). He has no cards other than this, but does not take damage from the turn based top deck draws.

Basic Strat:
Survive long enough to get shit on the board. Patchwerk will go first, and as such, you start turn one 8 health down.

My Priest Strat:
Mulligan for:
  • 2x Lightwells and/or Ooze + Mind Vision.
  • 2x Argent Squires and a Sunfury Protector could be good, too, or...
  • Watcher + Protector since the Watcher can eat two hits.
I feel like this deck is could be strong because of these starting options.

Patch will not attack the Lightwell, though he did hero power to kill it on one of my attempts when it was the only minion on the board. Other than that, he seemed to generally prioritize taunts and minions with attacks.

All of the other minions in the deck are there to buy time. And since they're cheap, I was able to get some attacks in with them before they were taken out. The real meat of my damage came from the Ooze + Mind Vision. This destroyed his weapon (thus putting 1 card in his hand) which I then stole with Mind Vision and equipped on my next turn.

I happened to get a second ooze on my turn 3 drop, so I played it just to ensure that he wouldn't hero power on turn 4. I got 6 dmg out of the surviving minion, but it was enough that I overkilled by 2 points when the KB finally came with the copied weapon.

Decks I tried that didn't work:
  • Warriors - Weapon Aggro deck
  • Druid - Trash deck with a bunch of battlecries to summon another card, then tried to buff them.
Decks that Might Work:
  • Card Draw
    • Patch does take damage from forced card draws. A mage might be to kill him with Oracles, Duplicates, Dancing Swords, Ice Blocks and Barriers, Mirror Images, and the like. The potential damage through the card draws is about 10 cards or 55 dmg.
  • Aggro Deck
    • I've played a few games on my Warlock outside of this Patchwerk that ended by turn 4. Very rare, for me, but as long as the aggro deck can deal 45 dmg by turn 4 and eat just one attack, it could win.
I beat the normal with a pally deck. Taunts +voodoo +earthen rings +truesilver champions did the trick pretty well with a few aggro cards like wolfriders etc.
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