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Hearthstone: Our own Noxious featured by Blizz


On the hearthstone Facebook today Noxious was featured in a video he put up. He shows the power of Millhouse Manastorm and how that power can sometimes backfire

If you didn't know Noxious is one of our guildies from way back in the GW2 days. He is going to Blizzcon as a Hearthstone tournament invitee, has a Twitch channel he streams on when he can and a YouTube channel he uploads all his best games to. Go support him if you haven't already.
Noxious is the man. We've talked a few times in mumble and I watch his channel when I see it on. Go Nox!
I wish I had more time to play gamez n' stuff +_+ I'm always stalking though. Always.

Lurking... in the forums v_v
The RNG cards are a lot of fun. I've started playing priest more just for the sheer randomness of the cards you end up with. Some of the combos you can do with other class specific cards are just crazy.
The sheer amount of rng in the decks make for the need to really pick the most optimum cards if you want to win consistantly. I would like a bit less rng so you could have more room to make crazy decks and still win.

The crazy decks are super fun though.
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