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Hedgewars Tournament pre-discussion


Crazy German Guy
Hi all,

I would like to hold a tournament within the game Hedgewars.
For those people who do not know what it is, it´s basically a worms clone.

Please vote in this poll:


Also if you have an idea for a price, I would love to hear it. Right now I´m somewhere in between a month premium sub to this website, or a 10$ Amazon gift card, or any one page one story read by me in my sexy voice.

Hope this will be a lot of fun!
I've always loved worms / gunbound style games! Unfortunately the only time I could get into something like this would be a weekend, and my weekends are very full for the coming weeks.
I don't know what any of this is, but if I can get Euchale to read Green Eggs and Ham, I'm all for it.

So you suggest, the first place gets a personal visit by me and I should read them Green Eggs and Ham as a bedtime story?
So maybe we can agree on the following:
-First place wins a story read by me. Nothing insanely long, but you get to pick.
-Alternative if the person doesn´t want this he gets a one month membership for the site

-Second and following places get what´s in the box:
First place wins a story read by me. Nothing insanely long, but you get to pick.

Oooh, I kinda like the idea of a "gamble bet" of being able to choose anyone who participates to do it if you win. But at the moment, I'd still choose Euch.
Oooh, I kinda like the idea of a "gamble bet" of being able to choose anyone who participates to do it if you win. But at the moment, I'd still choose Euch.

While the idea is not bad, some people then don´t want to join the tournament because they are afraid they get picked for reading the story.
I've never played this game or Worms, so I know nothing about it. Anyone want to be my champion and win my kids a bedtime story?
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