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Wildstar Housing Contest Submissions ONLY

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This thread is for submissions only. Please ask any questions or sing praises here: Housing Contest General Information

All other posts will be deleted.

How to vote:

Good luck cupcake!
My submission (via my alt Carat on Nexus Realm):

EDIT: Finally figured out how to make a video, so including it here. Hope that's okay!

Train in yard

Open hearth in living room

Main bedroom mural and tree-shaped bookshelf

Another shot of bedroom mural (clouds and sun)

Tree bed

Art/hobby space in living room (easel and paint palette)

Indoor tree in living room with "secret" door hidden near Hoogle in the bushes (stepping "shrooms" inside trunk lead to upstairs)

Upstairs bedroom, living and treasure storage

Required quote shot
Great submission Kaerat! Here is mine! :D

BBQ Area


Hot Springs + Zen Pond behind it!


On the stairs, looking at the study area ( with bar, of course! )


Another angle sitting on the bar!


Must haves..... KITCHEN! <3


2nd Floor Home Theatre Room! :)


Bedroom! :D


Another shot of the bedroom with my plushies :D
It's not as fancy as the other entries, but I tried to bring a certain rustic charm to the table!
Now with +200% fancy!


House 2.0!


And now for some exciting pictures from the TWO jumping puzzles outside my house!

I can see my house from here! Can you get to the top? Visit me to find out!

Special thanks to Dup and zorph for dungeon running, decor donation and creative support!

Okay, so here's my stuff, it's gonna look weird. First image is at my actual place.


not bad, but I didn't really do anything, cause of the other stuff.

Here's our first attempt at apartments, as you can see, it's tiny.


Home sweet home. I loved that little place that I could barely stand in.

and finally, my actual apartment at someone else's house, enjoy!

(on the floor it spells out D A I N but it's hard to get a decent picture of it because of the way the house reformatted after one of the beta changes.)


my bed and chair, originally the chair was a Draken throne that I got from Skullcano, but it reset during one of the beta changes. (sad panda)


Happy birthday to me!
I made a video of my house a few days ago, so I'm going to enter it in this here contest! :D

Edit: Oops, I didn't realize I had to /say "AltTabMe.com Submission." I'll go back this weekend and grab a few screens (Won't change anything) with me saying that. Hope that's ok! If not, oh well, at least people can check out my pad!
Edit 2: All taken care of! Enjoy the following screenshots of me and my house:


Here's the screen of me saying the thing! :)


Me, in my small study


Another shot of my study


Dining room!


Also, a small workbench underneath the stairs I forgot to show in the video.


Housing just fills me with joy. :D

That's pretty much all for now! I can't wait for launch so I can really (afford) to go into detail!
Here we go. This is a few beta weekends in the making and I'm pretty happy with the way things came out. Can't wait to get into all the housing options available and see crazy things are created.

This is my home - Terra Ferrum! I spent waaaay too much time and money on it, and made a lot of custom furniture with building blocks, but it was totally worth it. Had some awesome times here!
I'm totally looking forward to creating even more stuff at launch!

Oh, and the obligatory selfie!


Oh, and my party even got visited by a Carbine employee! (Screenshot by my friend, because I can't run high graphics!)


My house also got featured in Cerqua's housing showcase video!

I started taking screenshots and THEN read the rules. Cause I have a dumb, so omit the first three- I wasn't thinking and have since revamped the room xD
remember to put it on 1080 HD :D
Anyways here's the album:

And I'll share some of my pictures here.
I'm going with a full Draken Trophy Hall theme. But I've also included a jumping puzzle along the walls. It's very much a constant work in progress, so chances are I'll add more photos as beta weekend progresses. :)

Took this photo after I uploaded the gallery. I'm a bit of a ditz sometimes xD


Thank you for giving us this opportunity to showcase our creative sides!!

edit: moar photos of the revamped main house inside
Hey guys, Aisi here! New to alttabme! Found your competition via Reddit originally I believe, I've been so so so excited doing this with the prospect of Rowsdower fluffy loving! Being in the EU I have been desperately trying to find a way to get my hands on one of these adorable snugglies! And I just LOVE housing! Hope you like my submission, it took the last 3 days to do including levelling Architect to halfway through Artisan! D: Good luck to everyone involved ~ <3




YouTube; walk around!


EDIT: Because I'm a silly I forgot to put one with my name on!

Ladies and gentlemen,

May i proudly present *drum roll* Sneaky's Club and Skate park!
Please enjoy the photos
Rowsdowerrrrrs so cool.

Album because my house is huge:

Well... mine is a little small compared but I called it home... feel free to drop by!! (call first please)

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>
All participants have been re-instated after clarification of the IP's. (we run a basic check via an automated program so I appreciate both participants messaging us about the details. A computer can only do so much)
Alrighty folks! The contest is officially over! We're running some final numbers from the judges, but we will have all the winners posted today! Keep your eyes peeled to see who is getting their own super awesome fluffy rowsdower!

Edit: All winners now have a "Winner" status at the bottom of their posts from me! Been wanting to do that for a month XD
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