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Wildstar I am glad we stayed on pergo

The only real troll I've had to block so far is LOLcrusader. Other than that, been pretty clean in most chats.
He's entertaining in zone chat, but I haven't had to deal with him on a personal level.

Ah, he was just trolling in city about how the game is terrible and F2P in 3 months, etc. etc.

Was easier to just ignore and move on
I haven't seen him but have seen some other interesting general chat lol ya know what I am missing. The dueling area of each major city. :(
I haven't seen him but have seen some other interesting general chat lol ya know what I am missing. The dueling area of each major city. :(

It's near the crafting area in Thayd. Duels all the time near the buff station.
I´m usually quite resistant to trolls, but I can´t help myself to answer to people who write in the chat "Meh, WoW is better" by saying:"Then go play WoW".
I haven't met to many bad talks in chat. The only thing that has pissed me off is the spam email.
Yeah, I noticed all the shit talkers were on other servers and only people on pergo actually cared about pvping. The rest were just trying to have an epeen waving contest
Good. Knew we made the right call, and even better stuck to it. All you people who were begging for transfers off pergo can suck it for making me feel bad for a week.
I have blocked Jail on two occasions.
.. How, you ask? I blocked him, and a week later /zone was all fulllll of some shit i was like wtf is going on, then I unblock Jail (momentarily) and am rewarded with the answer...
Jail. -.-
Think I'll set the same thing up. I miss alot of guild chat because of item loot or NPC chat spam.
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